diff --git a/Documentation/Home/About/Index.rst b/Documentation/Home/About/Index.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index 3624718..0000000
--- a/Documentation/Home/About/Index.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt
-.. _about-documentation:
-About TYPO3 Documentation
-.. toctree::
- :maxdepth: 5
- :titlesonly:
- :glob:
- UsingThisSite/Index
- News/*
- Writing Documentation
- Contact
diff --git a/Documentation/Home/About/News/2012-2015/Index.rst b/Documentation/Home/About/News/2012-2015/Index.rst
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index ca7405b..0000000
--- a/Documentation/Home/About/News/2012-2015/Index.rst
+++ /dev/null
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-.. _news-2012-2015:
-2012 - 2015
-TYPO3 Flow and Neos Documentations have moved
-In the effort to separate Neos and Flow development from TYPO3 CMS,
-the official TYPO3 Neos Documentation and TYPO3 Flow Documentation
-have moved to a new place. Old links get redirected.
-TYPO3 Surf
-The official TYPO3 Surf documentation got added to docs.typo3.org.
-PDF rendering
-The official documentation has been made available in PDF format.
-The current version can always be downloaded using the "PDF" link
-in the menu of the according documentation project.
-New: "What's new?" page
-Now there's a "What's new page?" at docs.typo3.org that keeps you
-informed about proceedings in content and layout.
-In the menu it's now "API" instead of "Api" and "TypoScript" instead of
-Fixed flyout menu at the left
-An additional flyout menu with links to anchors within the current
-page is now constantly available from a fixed position at the
-left border of the browser window. Example: Hover
-over the outlined area at the left of the browser window.
-One central file for the main menu
-The top menu is now loaded from a single javascript file which is
-common to all pages and can be changed easily. Existing manuals don't
-need to be rerendered to have an up to date menu.
-Automatic "shrink to fit" for images
-`This post`__ has a first info. More documentation is in
-__ http://lists.typo3.org/pipermail/typo3-project-documentation/2012-December/004315.html
-1. Watch for example `this page`__.
-2. Select "adaptive" layout.
-3. Resize the width of your browser window.
-__ https://docs.typo3.org/typo3cms/GettingStartedTutorial/GeneralPrinciples/GeneralBackendStructure/Index.html
-How to make small screenshots look nice
-`first info and comments`__, example__
-__ http://lists.typo3.org/pipermail/typo3-project-documentation/2012-December/004288.html
-__ https://docs.typo3.org/Overview/Tips.html#access-key-n-next-page
-Updated recommendation: **Do** use class "screenshot-detail", **do not**
-use "screenshot-fullsize".
diff --git a/Documentation/Home/About/News/2016/Index.rst b/Documentation/Home/About/News/2016/Index.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index d7f10d2..0000000
--- a/Documentation/Home/About/News/2016/Index.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,360 +0,0 @@
-.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt
-.. When creating a new year page, move the ".. _latest:" anchor to that page.
-.. _news-2016:
-.. highlight:: shell
-.. _news-2016-12-28:
-.. rst-class:: panel panel-default
-The ultimate explanation of optionSplit
-2016-12-28 by Martin Bless
-So you think you really understand what the TypoScript :typoscript:`optionSplit`
-function does? Maybe, but better do a quick check:
-What is the result of :typoscript:`wrap = a|*|r|||||||*|z`?
-The wish to really understand :typoscript:`optionSplit` came up and in return
-I reworked the :ref:`optionSplit chapter
-` in the :ref:`TypoScript reference `.
-Hopefully it's the "ultimate explanation" of :typoscript:`optionSplit`.
-Is there something still missing?
-.. _news-2016-11-18:
-.. rst-class:: panel panel-default
-The FAL Reference has landed
-2016-11-18 by François Suter
-Until recently the :ref:`File Abstraction Layer Reference ` was
-pretty much an empty husk and users had to rely on a wiki page which was
-not always up to date.
-I have completely restructured the FAL Reference, with TYPO3 7 LTS
-as a target version. I have completed every chapter and integrated everything
-that was relevant from the wiki.
-Please now use this official manual as reference and submit changes via
-pull requests. The wiki page has been emptied.
-.. _news-2016-11-07:
-.. rst-class:: panel panel-default
-Better explained: TCA type "flex"
-2016-11-07 by Christian Kuhn
-I did a bigger change to the type=flex docs in TCA reference. I hope all the complex stuff is
-explained a bit better in detail now. See `TCA, Pointing to a Data Structure
-.. _news-2016-10-07:
-.. rst-class:: panel panel-default
-NEW: Doctrine Database API documented in CoreApi Manual
-2016-10-07 by Christian Kuhn
-.. image:: files/2016-10-08-doctrine.png
- :alt: Go to new TYPO3 Doctrine Database Documentation
- :target: https://docs.typo3.org/typo3cms/CoreApiReference/Database/
-For TYPO3 CMS version ≥ 8.3
-**TYPO3 CMS v8** comes with a new database API based on `doctrine-dbal`_.
-The core code has been fully migrated over the past months consuming uncounted
-hours of community work.
-**Documentation** of `doctrine-dbal`_ API within the TYPO3 ecosystem has just been
-added to the official `TYPO3 API documentation`_ explaining all important
-blows and whistles ready to be used since TYPO3 CMS **version 8.3**.
-**Extension authors** are encouraged to switch their own extensions to the new
-`Doctrine based database API`_. It comes with a much better abstraction of different
-database platforms and it is an important foundation of further evolution.
-Don't hesitate to push your database queries to this new level.
-**Contribute:** And don't hesitate to use the "Edit me on Github" button
-to improve the documentation.
-Have fun!
-.. _doctrine-dbal: http://www.doctrine-project.org/projects/dbal.html
-.. _Doctrine based database API: https://docs.typo3.org/typo3cms/CoreApiReference/ApiOverview/Database/
-.. _TYPO3 API documentation: https://docs.typo3.org/typo3cms/CoreApiReference/
-.. _news-2016-10-05:
-.. rst-class:: panel panel-default
-TYPO3 Frontend Localization Guide updated
-2016-10-05 by Francois Suter
-The :ref:`TYPO3 Frontend Localization Guide ` manual
-was purged of many of its old parts this spring by Christopher,
-but still remained out of date, in particular with regards to screenshots.
-It is now fully up to date again for TYPO3 7. It is also restructured,
-reflecting the fact that it has less content than before.
-And now that it has proper anchors on every heading, I plan
-to add relevant cross-links to it from quite a few other manuals.
-.. _news-2016-09-14:
-.. rst-class:: panel panel-default
-Cool stuff for nerds: Special templates available!
-2016-09-14 by Martin Bless
-Admitted: This is an information for the very advanced reST user. But it's cool! I'm talking of
-`t3SphinxThemeRtd `__.
-Usual pages are rendered from an html template
-`page.html `__.
-Now there are two more templates.
-`sitemap.html `__
-will fill in a complete sitemap after the contents. And
-`extensions.html `__
-fills in the javascript driven search. The logic is in the
-`module code of t3SphinxThemeRtd `__.
-It now has a new
-`setup() `__
-function that makes it a valid Sphinx extension as well besides being a theme. And in our
-`conf.py `__
-we are loading `t3SphinxThemeRtd` as a Sphinx extension. As a result the
-`file-wide-metadata `__
-of each document is checked. And if there's a field `template` its value is used as
-templatename for the rendering of that document.
-Are you still there?
-See the `extensions page `__ for example.
-And look at `the source `__.
-A sitemap `like this `__
-is another example. And again: Look at `the source `__.
-I bet you noticed: That's a general mechanism opening new doors. Hooray!
-.. _news-2016-09-07:
-.. rst-class:: panel panel-default
-TYPO3 Services Reference updated and expanded
-2016-09-07 by Francois Suter
-The :ref:`TYPO3 Services References ` manual is finally up to date again
-(for TYPO3 CMS 7). What's more it contains a whole new chapter
-about authentication services. This chapter also describes the
-TYPO3 CMS authentication process on a very general level, the
-focus being on services.
-.. _news-2016-08-31:
-.. rst-class:: panel panel-default
-Improved home page and menu structure
-2016-08-31 by Francois Suter
-At Martin's request - and after an exchange of ideas - I worked on
-improving the content and layout of the docs.typo3.org home page.
-This new version should be more useful and includes a side panel
-with information for newcomers to TYPO3 CMS.
-All others pages were also reviewed and quite a few were restructured
-and improved, or placed in a more logical structure. This has
-largely improved the main navigation on the left.
-If you want to give some feedback, the best way is via the
-"typo3-documentation" Slack channel.
-.. _news-2016-08-05:
-.. rst-class:: panel panel-default
-Inside TYPO3 updated
-2016-08-05 by Francois Suter
-The :ref:`Inside TYPO3 Reference `
-is finally up to date for TYPO3 CMS 7. A lot of content was fully
-rewritten, while many obsolete parts were removed.
-Original news: https://forge.typo3.org/news/807
-.. _news-2016-06-30:
-.. rst-class:: panel panel-default
-Improved Theme: Now it's version 3.6.0
-2016-06-30 by Martin Bless
-`Several issues `__
-with the theme are fixed now. And the `README of the repository
-now has a pointer to the DEMO DOCS `t3SphinxThemeRtdDemoDocs
-which are kind of a "stresstest" for the theme and demonstrate what's possible.
-New: A `.. rst-class:: panel panel-default` right before a section (headline) will give it a Twitter-Bootstrap
--like "panel" styling as you can see on this page with the latest news.
-New: The theme is version 3.6.0 now. Get it the regular way from `PyPi `__
-by doing:
-`sudo pip install --upgrade t3SphinxThemeRtd`
-.. _news-typoscript-syntax-updated:
-.. rst-class:: panel panel-default
-TypoScript Syntax Reference updated
-2016-05-31 by François Suter
-The `TypoScript Syntax Reference `__
-is now up to date again for TYPO3 CMS 7. It was partly restructured
-to remove redundancies and globally make for a more consistent reading.
-Some obsolete parts were dropped.
-Original news: https://forge.typo3.org/news/800
-.. _news-typoscript-syntax-new-theme:
-.. rst-class:: panel panel-default
-TypoScript Syntax Reference has new outfit
-The `TypoScript Syntax Reference `__
-is coming along in the new theme now as well.
-.. _news-tsconfig-new-theme:
-.. rst-class:: panel panel-default
-TSconfig Reference switched to new theme
-The `TSconfig Reference `__ now has
-the new theme as well.
-.. _news-templating-tutorial-updated:
-.. rst-class:: panel panel-default
-Templating Tutorial updated
-2016-05-12 by François Suter
-The `Templating Tutorial (Basics)
-is now up to date again.
-More than refreshed, it was really refactored. This tutorial was accompanied by
-files delivered via the extension called "doc_tut_templating". I have now made
-this extension into a distribution, which makes it possible to deliver not only
-the files but also a basic page tree with a few content element. This greatly
-simplifies the early steps of the tutorial, which were redundant with the
-Editors Tutorial.
-I have reworked a lot of the content, which was quite verbose. It is now often
-shorter and more to the point. I removed the chapter about "optionSplit",
-which was confusing, and referred readers to the TypoScript Reference instead.
-This ended up being a lot of work and this time I used all the time I had
-planned in this budget milestone.
-.. _news-contribution-workflow-new:
-.. rst-class:: panel panel-default
-New Guide: Contribution Workflow
-Yippie, we have a new guide:
-.. figure:: files/2016-04-28-ContributionWorkflowGuide.png
- :target: /typo3cms/ContributionWorkflowGuide/
-.. _news-old-new-classnames:
-.. rst-class:: panel panel-default
-Old and new classnames
-2016-03-24 by Martin Bless
-What are the new namespaced classnames that replace outdated old ones
-of TYPO3 v4? You can now `find the answer in the documentation.
-.. figure:: files/2016-03-24-ClassAliasMap.png
- :target: /typo3cms/CoreApiReference/6.2/ApiOverview/Namespaces/Index.html#classaliasmap-php
-.. _surf-manual-moved:
-.. rst-class:: panel panel-default
-Surf manual has moved
-The Surf manual has been moved to a new location. Old links get
diff --git a/Documentation/Home/About/News/2016/files/2016-03-24-ClassAliasMap.png b/Documentation/Home/About/News/2016/files/2016-03-24-ClassAliasMap.png
deleted file mode 100644
index f7fe40d..0000000
Binary files a/Documentation/Home/About/News/2016/files/2016-03-24-ClassAliasMap.png and /dev/null differ
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deleted file mode 100644
index e85af89..0000000
Binary files a/Documentation/Home/About/News/2016/files/2016-04-28-ContributionWorkflowGuide.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/Documentation/Home/About/News/2016/files/2016-10-08-doctrine.png b/Documentation/Home/About/News/2016/files/2016-10-08-doctrine.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 92e9f0f..0000000
Binary files a/Documentation/Home/About/News/2016/files/2016-10-08-doctrine.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/Documentation/Home/About/News/2017/Index.rst b/Documentation/Home/About/News/2017/Index.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index 119b03a..0000000
--- a/Documentation/Home/About/News/2017/Index.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
-.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt
-.. highlight:: shell
-.. When creating a new year page, move the ".. _latest:" anchor to that page.
-.. _news-2017:
-.. _news-2017-04-03:
-.. rst-class:: panel panel-default
-What April brings: Cool buttons and "bignums"
-2017-04-03 by Martin Bless
-Along with April there comes a new release 3.6.8 of our theme `t3SphinxThemeRtd`.
-It offers some cool and brandnew stylings for lists that are written
-in standard reST markup. You only have to add a `.. rst-class:: the-style` in front of the list.
-You can now easily create very well readable step-by-step instructions!
-.. rst-class:: bignums
-#. Be excited!
- Something new and powerful is now around.
-#. About buttons
- Use buttons as links: :ref:`h2document:list-items-as-buttons`
-#. Bignums - have numbers appear "big"
- Use :ref:`h2document:styled-numbered-lists` to style sections with
- several steps like these.
-In short:
-.. rst-class:: horizbuttons-tip-m
-- :ref:`h2document:list-items-as-buttons`
-- :ref:`h2document:styled-numbered-lists`
-Use wisely!
-More examples:
-* `ext:form quick start `__
-.. _news-2017-03-14:
-.. rst-class:: panel panel-default
-TCA Reference overhaul
-2017-03-14 by Christian Kuhn
-The :ref:`TCA Reference ` got a major overhaul and should be ready for TYPO3 v8 LTS now.
-.. _news-2017-02-15:
-.. rst-class:: panel panel-default
-FormEngine docs added
-2017-02-15 by Christian Kuhn
-.. figure:: files/2017-02-15-form-engine.png
- :class: with-border
-The FormEngine code construct of the core has been refactored since version 6.2
-and is much more flexible in version 7 LTS and 8 LTS.
-An overview of the :ref:`FormEngine API ` has now been added
-to :ref:`TYPO3 API documentation `.
-**Contribute:** Don't hesitate to use the "Edit me on Github" button
-to improve the documentation.
-May the docs be with you!
-.. _news-2017-02-08:
-.. rst-class:: panel panel-default
-TYPO3 Code Snippets Have Moved To docs.typo3.org
-2017-02-08 by Martin Bless
-.. figure:: files/2017-02-08-typo3-snippets.png
- :target: https://docs.typo3.org/typo3cms/Index.html
- :alt: TYPO3 snippets
-Great news: Code snippets that we had been collecting on typo3.org
-until now finally have arrived `here at docs.typo3.org.
-**Please contribute** and `start sending code SNIPPETS again!
diff --git a/Documentation/Home/About/News/2017/files/2017-02-08-typo3-snippets.png b/Documentation/Home/About/News/2017/files/2017-02-08-typo3-snippets.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 8b7f234..0000000
Binary files a/Documentation/Home/About/News/2017/files/2017-02-08-typo3-snippets.png and /dev/null differ
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deleted file mode 100644
index 70dd92f..0000000
Binary files a/Documentation/Home/About/News/2017/files/2017-02-15-form-engine.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/Documentation/Home/About/News/2018/Index.rst b/Documentation/Home/About/News/2018/Index.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index b66c0c6..0000000
--- a/Documentation/Home/About/News/2018/Index.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,353 +0,0 @@
-.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt
-.. highlight:: shell
-.. When creating a new year page, move the ".. _latest:" anchor to that page.
-.. _news-2018:
-.. _news-2018-11-13:
-.. rst-class:: panel panel-default
-NEW: TYPO3 Testing
-2018-11-13 by Christian Kuhn
-One part that has been not been documented in a good way was testing. A dedicated
-chapter about :ref:`testing in the TYPO3 world ` now finally puts an
-end to this: It comes with excessive information on how to set up and run unit, functional
-and acceptance tests of the core, of extensions and entire projects, together with basic
-guides on how to write and maintain tests.
-As usual, feel free to improve this brand new chapter, add sections we may have missed,
-adapt details that may not be as precise as they should be and most importantly: Have
-fun reading i - we hope it comes with some useful information.
-.. _news-2018-11-05:
-.. rst-class:: panel panel-default
-NEW: TYPO3 ViewHelper Reference
-2018-11-05 by Daniel Siepmann
-Done! A complete auto generated ViewHelper Reference is now available at
-Right now, this is auto generated from TYPO3 CMS 9.5.1 source code, but
-manually rendered and published. The plans are to automate this process and to
-improve the source code documentation to provide a useful reference in the near
-The current state was achieved by joined forces. Claus Due developed the
-generation. Anja Leichsenring did a great job on generating rst files out of the
-generated information, which then could be handled like any other TYPO3
-Helping hands were Jan Suchandt and Johannes Seipelt working at 3m5.
-.. _news-2018-10-13:
-.. rst-class:: panel panel-default
-TYPO3 Explained and more
-2018-10-13 by Christian Kuhn
-Our ongoing efforts to integrate, streamline, simplify, modernize and structure the main
-TYPO3 Core documents reached a next level: The well known "Core API" has been renamed to
-:ref:`TYPO3 Explained `: This document gained more and more aspects over time
-and many different ones have been merged into it. This has advantages for everyone:
-* One main entry point: :ref:`TYPO3 Explained ` becomes *the* main document where
- all main aspects of the TYPO3 Core can be found. You are getting less confused by all the existing
- other documents and references, TYPO3 Explained is *the* main thing to look at.
-* It is much easier to maintain only one main repository: We learned that having tons of
- documentation repositories is rather hard to handle if certain parts of the TYPO3 Core
- change that need attention on the documentation side. We meanwhile managed to keep the
- reference documents updated, but other important documents often orphaned and contain
- outdated information. Having main parts in one place significantly simplifies this process.
-* Better structures: We are aware that especially the :ref:`API Overview `
- is getting longer and longer. But we're already looking at how this can be moved around
- and structured in a better way.
-* Less duplication: We already streamlined at least four places where the main filesystem structure
- of the system has been explained. All in different documents. There are probably more places. This
- is true for other topics, too. And none of them is the real source of truth. Integrating repositories
- into :ref:`TYPO3 Explained ` gives us the opportunity to merge this stuff around and
- streamline it once and for all. If we then maintain this stuff, it happens at one place and one place only.
-How does all that materialize? Here are some of the works that happened already, with more
-on the list:
-* The "Security Guide" has been merged as :ref:`main chapter `. It comes with a
- modernization and overhaul. Go ahead and read or re-read it. It's an important chapter with tons of
- useful information.
-* To make TYPO3 Explained v9 ready, Susanne Moog added an exhaustive chapter about the new
- :ref:`Site Handling ` and routing. Great work! You really want to read that up
- if installing new TYPO3 instances or upgrading to TYPO3 v9.
-* The new v9 :ref:`Meta tag API `, :ref:`Page title API ` and
- :ref:`XML Site map ` have been documented. Thanks to Richard Haeser for this
- incredible work!
-* All added / changed properties of v9 are reflected in :ref:`TYPO3 Explained ` and
- the reference documents already. Our workflow to review the `Changelog files
- `_ and merge relevant parts directly
- works out great. Special thanks to Anja Leichsenring for her continued efforts in this area!
-* :ref:`TCA colums config reference ` got an update to better compare :php:`user`,
- :php:`passthrough` and :php:`none` types with each other.
-* With integration of the saltedpasswords extension as direct core library, the
- TYPO3 Explained documentation has been extended with a new chapter about :ref:`password hashing
- `.
-* The :ref:`Coding Guidelines chapter ` of TYPO3 Explained got major additions by Sybille
- Peters. She is active in the documentation area at various places and for instance continuously
- improves the :ref:`Contribution workflow ` document. Thanks a ton for this!
-* We see an increasing number of persons changing details of the documentation all over the place, too
- many to mention in person. This is great! We try our best to review pull requests in time and
- merge them. At the moment it seems we're able to cope with it. Keep up the good work and use
- the "Edit me on github" button in the top right corner, if you spot issues: Go ahead and improve!
-* If you are interested in helping with TYPO3 documentation, you are invited to join the growing list
- of contributors. See :ref:`h2document:docs-contribute` for more information.
-.. _news-2018-06-13:
-.. rst-class:: panel panel-default
-NEW: TYPO3 Sitepackage Tutorial
-2018-06-13 by Michael Schams
-.. figure:: files/2018-06-13-site-package-tutorial.png
- :target: https://docs.typo3.org/typo3cms/SitePackageTutorial/
- :alt: A teaser screenshot
- :class: float-left with-shadow
- :width: 25 %
-Today, the TYPO3 Documentation Team published a tutorial that describes the
-steps required to turn a basic design template into a fully working,
-mobile-responsive website.
-`[Read more] `__
-.. rst-class:: horizbuttons-primary-m clear-both
-- `Sitepackage Tutorial `__
-.. _news-2018-05-31:
-.. rst-class:: panel panel-default
-"Secret" plans of better documentation rendering
-2018-05-31 by Martin Bless
-All this is about documentation published at `docs.typo3.org
-Sometimes it's difficult to do all the necessary things simultaneously.
-Informing the public is an easy candidate to be forgotten. Let's try to fix
-A small number of people met at the end of March 2018 in Düsseldorf. Main goals: Get an
-overview of the current state and design a strategy for the "new documentation
-server". Results of that meeting:
-* The documentation team provides an improved and up to date Docker image that
- will serve as model for the server setup. It will be much smaller, since
- we drop the capability of reading OpenOffice files and the capability to
- generate LaTeX and PDF.
-**Note: As of May 24, 2018 this first step has been achieved.**
-Find the stripped-down version in the `develop-debian-html
-branch of the `t3docs/render-documentation
-`__ repository. The
-master branch still has the OpenOffice and LaTeX-Pdf capabilities. I would
-recommend it for local use.
-**So development can now continue with the next steps:**
-* The TYPO3 GmbH is offering to create a powerful automization solution based
- on that rendering recipe.
-* Implementing a global "elastic" search will be part of that process. The
- documentation team contributes the necessary theme and rendering
- modifications.
-* All rendering of manuals and extension manuals will be triggered
- based on hooks of their respective repositories. Automatically, instantly,
- fast, in parallel, with some rule-based automatic transformation of
- repository names to path names.
-* Any developer can use the rendering chain by calling the proper hooks. These
- hooks will be developed in the process of creating the server automation.
-* We don't publish PDF files any more.
-* OpenOffice files are not valid documentation any more.
-* We require that projects have a :file:`composer.json` file. Wherever possible
- we refer to this file to identify values. This means: The project name, the
- version number, allowed TYPO3 versions and so on, that appear in the
- documentation, will be taken from that :file:`composer.json` file.
-* We will only publish documentation of extensions that are working with the
- currently maintained TYPO3 versions.
-**Again: The Docker solution**
-Coming back to the current `Docker solution for documentation rendering
-`__ - let me take the
-chance to mention some highlights:
-* improved typoscript highlighter
-* packages (zip-archives) are smaller, due to excluded fonts an improved html
- font-stack
-* Sphinx caching is enabled: for example, re-render the core ChangeLog in
- seconds, not 20 minutes or more
-* contains a solution (in docs and in the 'show-shell-commands' code) for the
- 'mtime' problem. Sphinx-caching is based on filetimes. The
- `git-restore-mtime
- `__
- script presents the solution for repositories.
-* theme is up to date
-* No Piwik calls in offline package
-* YouTube directive works. But not in LaTeX. And that's not needed.
-* The Sphinx extensions that we DO use are loaded by default. No need to
- mention them in Settings.cfg.
-* Improvements in the toolchain
-Keep on finding the words!
-.. _news-2018-05-02:
-.. rst-class:: panel panel-default
-Revamped TSconfig Reference
-2018-05-02 by Christian Kuhn
-We modernized some of the main TYPO3 core documents with more than 100
-single commits the last days:
-* The old "Inside TYPO3" document is gone and all information has been merged into the
- :ref:`TYPO3 Core API `. The Core API document more and more evolves
- into **the** TYPO3 core documentation compendium where all conceptual core related
- information should be looked up in. The term "Core API" will probably change at
- some point to reflect this, too.
-* The :ref:`t3tsconfig:start` received a major overhaul. This document
- is one of the most important documents next to the other two references, namely the
- :ref:`t3tsref:start` and the :ref:`TCA Reference `.
- The TSconfig Reference didn't receive too much love within the last years, but now it comes with
- a reworked menu structure, a lot of streamlined information and a simplified property listing
- with more examples. Various chapters have been moved around between the main core documents
- to make them more consistent and confined, readers should now find information at places
- they expect them to be.
-.. _news-2018-03-28:
-.. rst-class:: panel panel-default
-Become a TYPO3 Documentation Team member
-2018-03-28 by Martin Bless
-We are about to re-establish regular, monthly online meetings of the TYPO3
-Documentation Team. Please consider becoming a team member. This means: You are
-willing to participate in the monthly meetings and you are willing to take over
-a task or another on a regular and not just random basis. You have that
-feeling? Great! Please get yourself a `Slack invite
-`__, if you haven't yet, and let us know
-in the `#typo3-documentation channel
-And please, participate in this `Doodle
-`__ and vote for date and time of the
-first meeting. To just join the meeting you don't need to become a member or
-vote. Meetings are always open for guests.
-Please vote: https://doodle.com/poll/yk89nh4qk4kc3cii
-First possible dates are in the range of April 12-16, 2018.
-.. figure:: files/2018-03-28-doodle-teaser.png
- :target: https://doodle.com/poll/yk89nh4qk4kc3cii
- :class: with-shadow
- :alt: Teaser image of the Doodle survey
-.. _news-2018-02-02:
-.. rst-class:: panel panel-default
-New manual: "Tell me something about topic X"
-2018-02-02 by Martin Bless
-2020-10-29: Update: We removed the manual as it didn't work out
-Often questions are centered around topics: How does TYPO3
-caching work? How can I improve performance? How to use
-composer with TYPO3? And often answers are given in
-blogpostings, slides, videos and so on.
-The new manual 'TellMeSomethingAbout'
-is the dedicated spot to list and collect
-those topics. And it's up to you and everybody in the
-community to come up with explanations, helpful texts
-and links.
-Can we make that manual a success? Yes, we can!
-Everybody is counting on YOU!
-.. _news-2018-01-20:
-.. rst-class:: panel panel-default
-Document restructurings
-2018-01-20 by Christian Kuhn
-Next to many contributors fixing various documentation parts,
-we're currently in a bigger restructuring process of main
-manuals: Various documents are merged into one,
-the Homepage gets some love to find stuff quicker and other
-good stuff.
-Stay tuned!
-.. _news-2018-01-19:
-.. rst-class:: panel panel-default
-Youtube Tutorial - Contribute to docs.typo3.org
-2018-01-19 by Mathias Schreiber
-.. youtube:: wNxO-aXY5Yw
diff --git a/Documentation/Home/About/News/2018/files/2018-03-28-doodle-teaser.png b/Documentation/Home/About/News/2018/files/2018-03-28-doodle-teaser.png
deleted file mode 100644
index b8760e3..0000000
Binary files a/Documentation/Home/About/News/2018/files/2018-03-28-doodle-teaser.png and /dev/null differ
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deleted file mode 100644
index 043efb6..0000000
Binary files a/Documentation/Home/About/News/2018/files/2018-06-13-site-package-tutorial.png and /dev/null differ
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deleted file mode 100644
index da0b1ed..0000000
Binary files a/Documentation/Home/About/News/2018/youtube-teaser-wNxO-aXY5Yw.png and /dev/null differ
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deleted file mode 100644
index 11e22aa..0000000
--- a/Documentation/Home/About/News/2019/Index.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,328 +0,0 @@
-.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt
-.. highlight:: shell
-.. When creating a new year page, move the ".. _latest:" anchor to that page.
-.. and add new year to News/Index.rst
-.. _news-2019:
-.. note::
- Only major changes will be documented here. For all
- changes, see commit messages in respective
- `GitHub repositories `__.
-.. _news-2019-08-19:
-.. rst-class:: panel panel-default
-New Chapters for "TYPO3 Explained"
-Several new chapters were added to "TYPO3 Explained" - Excerpt:
-API Overview:
-* :ref:`Request Handling (PSR-15 / Middlewares) `
-* :ref:`t3coreapi:routing`
-* :ref:`t3coreapi:seo`
-* :ref:`t3coreapi:config-overview`
-* :ref:`t3coreapi:flexforms`
-* :ref:`t3coreapi:yaml-api`
-Extension Development:
-* :ref:`t3coreapi:composer-json`
-* :ref:`t3coreapi:publish-extension`
-.. _news-2019-08-09:
-.. rst-class:: panel panel-default
-New Chapters for Extbase / Fluid Book
-Some documentation that was missing but is required for developer certification
-version 9 was added.
-.. _news-2019-06-26:
-.. rst-class:: panel panel-default
-Deprecation of Extbase / Fluid Guide
-The "TYPO3 Extbase & Fluid Guide" is being deprecated and will soon be deleted.
-Please use one of the following resources for information about Extbase / Fluid
-and extension programming in general.
-* There is an overview page with resources for developers in the
- :ref:`Getting Started Tutorial `.
-* On that same page, there is a section "Fluid / Extbase".
-The "Extbase / Fluid Guide" still contains the manually maintained Fluid ViewHelper
-reference for TYPO3 8.7 and 6.2.
-You can find links to all available ViewHelper references on the
-`References `__ page.
-**The reasons for deprecation:**
-* The "Extbase / Fluid Guide" had not been properly maintained and updated for a
- while
-* Several unresolved issues
-* Having a duplicate guide in addition to the "book" has been confusing people
-* The current guide had not been a complete walkthrough and was missing some parts
-**Plan for deprecation:**
-#. phase 1: deprecation notice on every page
-#. phase 2: remove and redirect (except ViewHelper reference for 6.2. and 8.7)
-#. phase 3: removal all (ViewHelper refs will be redirected to automatically generated)
-.. _news-2019-06-29:
-.. rst-class:: panel panel-default
-docs.typo3.org Gets New Infrastructure
-The documentation server docs.typo3.org moved to a new
-infrastructure. `Read more ... `__.
-Extension authors must migrate their documentation:
-* :ref:`h2document:migrate`
-.. _news-2019-05-09:
-.. rst-class:: panel panel-default
-Improvements for new TYPO3 users
-*2019-05-09 by Sybille Peters*
-Some more changes were made to make it easier for people new to TYPO3
-to find their way around the documentation:
-* The tips on the start page used to address advanced documentation
- contribution. This has now been moved to :ref:`h2document:start` and
- more basic tips about TYPO3 and the documentation added, see
- `start page `__. This includes for example a
- link to the `help page on typo3.org `__.
-.. figure:: files/tips-on-start-page.png
- :class: with-border with-shadow
- Tips on start page
-* A page :ref:`usage-tips` was added to help with some aspects of using TYPO3
- documentation that may not be obvious (:ref:`version selector `,
- :ref:`structure `, :ref:`navigation `,
- :ref:`search `).
-* The page :ref:`guides` was broken down into categories: for developers,
- editors, integrators etc.
- Not all manuals are relevant for each group and this will hopefully make
- it easier to find relevant material.
-* Additionally, the page :ref:`guides` points to the subpages under "Next steps"
- in the "Getting Started Tutorial" for developers, integrators, etc. which
- contain additional tips on what to read next.
-Thanks goes to Sybille Peters
-.. _news-2019-05-09-2:
-.. rst-class:: panel panel-default
-"Getting Started Tutorial" updated for TYPO3 9.5
-2019-05-09 by Sybille Peters
-The :ref:`t3start:start` was updated for TYPO3 9.5.
-Additionally, some more improvements were made:
-* Language improvements for better readability
-* Updated information in :ref:`Next steps `
- and added YouTube videos
-* Formatting for better readability: Sections headlines, bold formatting, lists
-* Drop-shadow for images
-Thanks goes to Sybille Peters and Tom Warwick.
-.. _news-2019-03-08-2:
-.. rst-class:: panel panel-default
-Improvements for Documentation Contributors
-2019-03-08 by Sybille Peters
-If you are not yet familiar with contributing to the documentation at all,
-we suggest you read the TYPO3 blog article
-`Start Improving Docs Now to Grow TYPO3 `__
-for an excellent introduction.
-Meanwhile, we discovered that some information about contributing
-was missing and parts of the information was spread out in too
-many places. This made it difficult for a contributor to find things
-or find out which of the information was relevant and up to date.
-Because of this, we made several improvements.
-These include additional chapters to the
-manual :ref:`h2document:start` to help you get started, such as:
-* :ref:`h2document:docs-contribute` : Main entry point for information about
- contributing and a walkthrough of editing with GitHub.
-* :ref:`h2document:docs-contribute-git-docker`: This is an alternative
- to editing directly on GitHub for contributors familiar with Git and
- Docker.
-* :ref:`h2document:rest-cheat-sheet`: Most often used formatting rules and directives,
- all on one page.
-* :ref:`h2document:rest-common-pitfalls`: There are some traps you can
- fall into, when getting started with reST & Sphinx. This page shows
- the most common errors and should help you avoid them.
-* :ref:`h2document:rendering-docs-troubleshooting`: When rendering locally
- with Docker, you might run into errors. This page should help you solve
- them.
-* :ref:`how-to-contribute`: Contributors can pick from this list if they
- are looking for something to do.
-You can start right away and learn as you go along, but if you are looking
-for guidelines and best practices, we created an entire chapter
-:ref:`general-conventions` for that. This includes:
-* :ref:`Spelling Guide `
-* :ref:`guidelines-for-images`
-We reduced duplicate information and try to link to one single entry point.
-We also made some minor changes to make it easier for you to find things, like:
-* The channel topic for **#typo3-documentation** now contains the date of the
- next Slack call.
-.. figure:: files/slack_call.png
- :class: with-border with-shadow
- :target: https://typo3.slack.com
- :alt: TYPO3 Slack call information
- :width: 50 %
- #typo3-documentation channel topic
-* All repositories of main manuals now contain a `CONTRIBUTING
- `__
- file. GitHub automatically displays a link to this, if you open a
- new issue or go to the issues tab as new contributor.
-.. figure:: files/github-contributing2.svg
- :class: with-border with-shadow
- :target: https://github.com/TYPO3-Documentation/TYPO3CMS-Reference-CoreApi/blob/latest/CONTRIBUTING.md
- :alt: Link to CONTRIBUTING
- :width: 50 %
- Link to CONTRIBUTING for GitHub repository "TYPO3 Explained"
-* We introduced the label `"good first issue" `__.
- This can be assigned to issues which are not very complex and can be solved by new contributors.
-* All main manuals now contain a `README.rst `__
- with a link to the rendered documentation.
-We hope that these changes will prove useful to you. There is still lots to do.
-If you have additional suggestions, don't hesitate to write an `issue
-or make the changes yourself.
-Or tell us what works for you and what doesn't on :ref:`Slack `.
-.. _news-2019-03-08:
-.. rst-class:: panel panel-default
-NEW: Documentation of Locking API
-2019-03-08 by Sybille Peters
-A chapter on the :ref:`t3coreapi:locking-api` is now available in
-"TYPO3 Explained". This chapter has been written by Sybille Peters
-and reviewed by Markus Klein.
-You may have never been aware of the locking API because it works
-under the hood in the TYPO3 core.
-If you develop an extension and use the :ref:`t3coreapi:caching` or
-have other issues where concurrent access to a resource must
-be prevented, you should check it out.
-As always, you can help to improve the documentation: Create an
-`issue `__
-or click the "Edit me on GitHub" button on the top right
-of any page. Read :ref:`h2document:docs-contribute` in "Writing
-Documentation" to find out more.
-.. _news-2019-02-14:
-.. rst-class:: panel panel-default
-NEW: Documentation for rte_ckeditor
-2019-02-14 by Sybille Peters
-.. figure:: files/ckeditor.png
- :target: https://docs.typo3.org/typo3cms/extensions/rte_ckeditor/
- :alt: A teaser screenshot
- :class: float-left with-border with-shadow
- :width: 50 %
-Integration of CKEditor was introduced with TYPO3 8 LTS in the system extension
-rte_ckeditor, thus replacing the previously used "HtmlArea".
-Finally, documentation for this system extension was added to the core and is available to be
-read `online `__.
-Thanks goes to Benni Mack for writing the initial version of the documentation, Sybille
-Peters for converting to reStructuredText and adding additional chapters and
-Josef Glatz for further enhancing it.
-The community is invited to participate in enhancing it:
-* Join the channel #typo3-documentation on `Slack `__
- to ask questions (`Register `__)
-* Click "Edit me on GitHub" in the top right corner to make small changes
- (`Find out more ... `__)
- or follow the :ref:`t3contribute:start`
-.. rst-class:: horizbuttons-primary-m clear-both
-- `rte_ckeditor Documentation `__
diff --git a/Documentation/Home/About/News/2019/files/ckeditor.png b/Documentation/Home/About/News/2019/files/ckeditor.png
deleted file mode 100644
index a80df49..0000000
Binary files a/Documentation/Home/About/News/2019/files/ckeditor.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/Documentation/Home/About/News/2019/files/github-contributing2.svg b/Documentation/Home/About/News/2019/files/github-contributing2.svg
deleted file mode 100644
index a8f19bb..0000000
--- a/Documentation/Home/About/News/2019/files/github-contributing2.svg
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1659 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/Documentation/Home/About/News/2019/files/slack_call.png b/Documentation/Home/About/News/2019/files/slack_call.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 99fd4f5..0000000
Binary files a/Documentation/Home/About/News/2019/files/slack_call.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/Documentation/Home/About/News/2019/files/tips-on-start-page.png b/Documentation/Home/About/News/2019/files/tips-on-start-page.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 715087c..0000000
Binary files a/Documentation/Home/About/News/2019/files/tips-on-start-page.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/Documentation/Home/About/News/2020/Index.rst b/Documentation/Home/About/News/2020/Index.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index 23e439c..0000000
--- a/Documentation/Home/About/News/2020/Index.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,298 +0,0 @@
-.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt
-.. highlight:: shell
-.. When creating a new year page, move the ".. _latest:" anchor to that page.
-.. and add new year to News/Index.rst
-.. _news-2020:
-.. _news-2020-typo3-explained-menu:
-.. rst-class:: panel panel-default
-"TYPO3 Explained" menu structure
-*2020-07-11 by Sybille Peters*
-The menu of :ref:`t3coreapi:start` was considerably changed during and after
-the Initiatives Week 2020.
-The main goal was to make it easier to find and jump to a general topic.
-To achieve this, the subchapters previously in :guilabel:`TYPO3 API overview`
-were now moved to the top level. Previously we had several main topics in
-:guilabel:`TYPO3 API overview`, some other main topics on the top level (such
-as "Testing", "CGL" or "Security") and some smaller subtopics in
-:guilabel:`API overview > Examples`. Also, the ordering in "TYPO3 API overview"
-was partially alphabetical, partially not. Now we are using an alphabetical
-To see the "old" menu, look at the
-`6.2 version `__
-but please keep in mind that a number of additional chapter were added since
-then. Specifically, several manuals (such as CGL, Security, Inside TYPO3)
-were merged into "TYPO3 Explained".
-Additionally, the menu was reorganized so that some smaller chapters are
-now available via a general chapter:
-* "TypoScript syntax", "TSconfig", "Global configuration", etc. are now
- subchapters of the new chapter :ref:`t3coreapi:configuration`.
-* "MetaTag API", "PageTitle API" etc were moved to :ref:`t3coreapi:seo`.
-While the change was generally met with approval, it does still have some
-flaws and could use some more improvements.
-For example, the menu is quite long which means you often have to scroll.
-If you are in a subchapter that is on the bottom of the menu (for example
-:ref:`"Upgrade wizards" `) and you are reading
-a page, you have to scroll down to select a subchapter of the current
-chapter from the menu.
-This might be improved, if some more chapters were merged into main chapters.
-Additionally, now some small and minor topics are in the top level menu.
-This is usually due to the fact, that is not so easy to find a more general
-category for a chapter or it could easily be expected to be found in
-more than one category. Examples of these are:
-* :ref:`t3coreapi:Enumerations`
-* :ref:`t3coreapi:pagination`
-These are some of the general navigational and structuring
-questions that need to be addressed.
-**What can you do to help?**
-* Ideally create a proof of concept for a better structure and navigation concept
- for "TYPO3 Explained" or the documentation in general. You can
- `create a pull request `__
- for this or `contact us on Slack `__.
-* Look at the `open issue `__
- or all `issues `__ with label
- "content structure" in "TYPO3 Explained"
-.. _news-2020-snippets:
-.. rst-class:: panel panel-default
-The `Snippets `__ were
-available a number of years and have been helpful. But for quite some time, they
-were no longer being used much and no new Snippets were being added.
-The main problem currently is that the manual was never versionized, so there is
-no way to see for which TYPO3 version the snippet applies. This makes it especially
-difficult for newcomers, while experts may still find the information they need
-and have no problem figuring out whether it applies to their TYPO3 version.
-However, the Matomo results also show, that there is very little traffic to
-these pages.
-Decreased activity may also be a reflection that people are now using other
-platforms, for example Stack Overflow or their own blogs to introduce tips,
-small snippets and examples and information on how to do things.
-As advertised on the start page, the snippets were never meant to be maintained by the Documentation Team,
-which meant everyone was free to add their own snippets, there was no quality
-control or entry exam to complete. While this made it very open and inviting,
-it had the inherent problem, that there never was an official review. Since
-we now have other platforms where you can vote and comment (e.g. Stack Overflow)
-or have an author who stands behind the content and has an incentive to keep
-it up to date or people just know it is something with an expiration date
-and never meant to be kept updated (e.g. blogs) - these may be better suited for this type of content.
-On the other hand, it is not easy to take down or deprecate content, people
-may find it disruptive and we hate to throw away content that was created
-by the community and that served its purpose many years.
-Because of this open decision, an `issue `__
-and a `decision `__
-were created which addressed the question of "What to do with the snippets".
-**This is now the plan:**
-* "Snippets" were removed from main menu on https://docs.typo3.org
-* the rendered pages are still available but contain a prominent banner, informing
- about the fact that this manual is not being maintained
-* the repository is archived on GitHub
-At some time in the future, we may also remove the rendered snippets and redirect
-to the https://docs.typo3.org start page. The archived repository on GitHub is still available.
-Nothing was thrown away - it will just be less prominent in the future.
-**How you can help:**
-* Give us feedback on this decision or the structure of the documentation in
- general, either as issues or via Slack
-* Help to increase the knowledgebase of useful examples for TYPO3 by contributing to
- Stack Overflow, your blog or the existing documentation. Help to keep existing
- documentation on docs.typo3.org updated.
-* When you find information in the Snippets that you think is important and helpful
- to others, see if you can migrate it to a repository which has been versionized to
- Stack Overflow or some other appropriate medium. (Get in touch with the original
- authors to ask permission first!)
-**Contact us:**
-Don't hesitate to contact us on `Slack `__
-in the channel #typo3-documentation.
-.. _news-2020-fluid-start:
-.. rst-class:: panel panel-default
-Fluid start page
-A :ref:`Fluid start page ` was created in "TYPO3 Explained".
-This reflects the importance of Fluid in TYPO3 and the multiple ways it is
-now used in TYPO3. A :ref:`t3coreapi:fluid-introduction` subpage was added
-as well.
-The Fluid page serves as an overview of various ways to use Fluid in TYPO3
-as Fluid is now no longer used only in developing Extensions with Extbase &
-Fluid as was the case when it was initially introduced.
-As **next steps** the documentation could be further restructured, moving
-for example general Fluid information that is not specific to Extbase /
-Fluid from the Extbase Fluid Book to "TYPO3 Explained".
-.. _news-2020-tsref:
-.. rst-class:: panel panel-default
-TypoScript Reference
-We made several changes to the :ref:`TypoScript reference ` and documentation for the
-topic TypoScript in general.
-* Renamed to "TypoScript Templating Reference"
-* Menu was restructured
-* Consolidated older versions (finalized migration, ...)
-* Added introduction, links to other information and quick links to start page
-**In more detail:**
-.. figure:: files/tsmenu-before.png
- :class: float-left
-.. figure:: files/tsmenu-new.png
- :class: float-left
-.. rst-class:: clear-both
-Menu before and after restructuring
-#. It was pointed out that the **"TypoScript Reference"** menu was confusing in parts:
- some functions (such as calc and objectSplit) were found under "Objects and Properties",
- top-level objects were hidden in a rubric "setup" etc. This resulted in things not
- being found where they were expected. We managed to simplify the menu and sort the topics accordingly.
-#. The use of objects and object types was used inconsistently, some types were referred
- to as "objects" and vice versa. Especially, the term "cObject" was used inconsistently,
- sometimes to refer to the type, sometimes as synonym for "content objects". We corrected
- the use of these terms in some places and added a :ref:`glossary `.
-#. We renamed "TypoScript Reference" to "TypoScript Templating Reference" because the
- term TypoScript has 2 meanings and in this reference we mean TypoScript templating
- and not (primarily) TypoScript syntax (which is handled in :ref:`t3coreapi:typoscript-syntax-start`
- in "TYPO3 Explained". See `decisions.typo3.org `__
- for discussion about this topic.
-#. The chapter "Introduction" contained no introduction into the topic - this is a common
- problem in the documentation: There is a chapter "Introduction" where you expect to
- find information about the topic or what the manual is about and often this only contains
- very little information about the manual, credits, how to give feedback etc. For this
- reason we renamed the current Introduction to "About this manual", moved it to the end
- of the menu and added a real :ref:`Introduction `.
-#. We linked to other manuals where topics are handled in depth (TypoScript in 45 minutes
- and "TypoScript syntax" in "TYPO3 Explained"), both on the start page and in the "Introduction"
-#. We added the chapter "Using and setting TypoScript" to the older versions <= 8.7.
- Previously it only existed for versions 9.5 and master (10). (This is due to the fact
- that the migration of some manuals - like "TypoScript Syntax and in depth study"
- was done for version 9.5 and had not been
- performed for previous versions. This is now being done, step by step.)
-#. We added "TypoScript Syntax" to older versions <= 8.7 in "TYPO3 Explained".
-#. Added quick links to start page
-**Further improvements:**
-* The topic of using objects and objects types was addressed but could still be improved.
-* Additionally, a number of pages could be improved. For example, the page FLUIDTEMPLATE
- could use a better introduction.
-If you would like to help with this, please look at the
-`open issues `__.
-.. _news-2020-link-to-versions:
-.. rst-class:: panel panel-default
-Change in Intersphinx Linking
-When linking from one manual to another, we previously always linked to
-the latest (master) version of the manual. For example, if you were
-reading a section in "TYPO3 Explained" for TYPO3 version 8.7 and were
-referred to the "TCA Reference" by clicking a link, you would continue
-reading information for the latest TYPO3 version (currently, the
-not yet released as LTS version 10.2). Changes between TYPO3
-versions are minimal most of the time, but significant in some cases
-(for example, see `Changelog for 9.0 `__).
-This caused the following problems:
-* People who were aware of this but wanted to continue reading
- documentation for the same version had to click multiple times
- (to jump to the requested version) before continuing.
-* Often, readers were not aware of this and did not notice the
- change in version. They would then assume, the information
- was correct for the version they started reading in.
-Reading documentation on docs.typo3.org should not require knowledge
-about such technical details. It should be possible to read and click,
-regardless of how the documentation is separated into repositories.
-These problems were pointed out in the #typo3-documentation Slack
-channel, we created an `issue `__
-and now changed the procedure, so that links across manuals link
-to the documentation for the **same TYPO3 version**.
-.. figure:: ../../../Images/version-link.png
- :class: with-shadow
- Link to "TCA Reference" from "TYPO3 Explained" version 8.7
-.. seealso::
- * :ref:`h2document:intersphinx`: More information about the intersphinx
- mechanism for cross-linking between manuals
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt
-.. highlight:: shell
-.. When creating a new year page, move the ".. _latest:" anchor to that page.
-.. and add new year to News/Index.rst
-.. _news-2021:
-2021-12 TYPO3 Documentation Team Report 2021
-See https://typo3.org/article/typo3-documentation-team-report-2021
-2021-07 Main Menu & Homepage Restructuring
-See https://typo3.org/article/documentation-restructuring-status-update
-2021-06 Global Search for the documentation
-See https://typo3.org/article/seek-and-you-shall-find
-2021-05 Reimagining the TYPO3 Documentation
-See https://typo3.org/article/reimagining-the-typo3-documentation
-2021-04 Automating the screenshots
-See https://typo3.org/article/documentation-screenshots-puppeteer-makes-life-easy
-2021-03 Disabling the wiki & Exception handling in the docs
-See https://typo3.org/article/typo3-wiki-2004-2021-long-live-the-documentation
-2021-01 TYPO3 Sweeping Week
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index e7d3d23..0000000
--- a/Documentation/Home/About/News/2022/Index.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt
-.. highlight:: shell
-.. When creating a new year page, move the ".. _latest:" anchor to that page.
-.. and add new year to News/Index.rst
-.. _latest:
-.. _news-2022:
-2022-05 Standardization of TYPO3 Documentation
-See https://typo3.org/article/standardization-of-typo3-documentation-may-2022
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--- a/Documentation/Home/About/News/Index.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-.. _news:
-Documentation Changelog
-.. note::
- Not all changes will be documented here. For all
- changes, see commit messages in respective GitHub
- repositories.
-.. toctree::
- 2022/Index
- 2021/Index
- 2020/Index
- 2019/Index
- 2018/Index
- 2017/Index
- 2016/Index
- 2012-2015/Index
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,208 +0,0 @@
-.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt
-.. _usage-tips:
-Usage tips
-.. _usage-structure:
-General structure
-The page you are currently reading is part of a few start pages we call **"glue pages"**.
-From here, everything else is linked. The entire documentation is built out of individual
-**"manuals"**. This can be an extension manual like
-`ext:form `__ or a tutorial
-like :ref:`t3start:start`.
-You can regard the "glue pages" as a special top-level manual which is used for information,
-orientation and navigation.
-Most manuals are linked to from the "glue pages", so you can use the "glue pages" to
-find what you are looking for.
-The "glue pages" **contain**:
-* the start page https://docs.typo3.org
-* :ref:`tutorials`: A list of tutorials and guides
-* :ref:`references`: A list of core documentation manuals, including :ref:`t3coreapi:start`
- and several references.
-* this page and the entire :ref:`about-documentation` section
-* ...
-.. _usage-menu:
-Menu of glue pages
-When you are on one of the "glue pages" (for example this page or the start
-page https://docs.typo3.org), you can use the menu to navigate, for
-example go to the :ref:`guides` page to select a guide or tutorial
-or :ref:`extensions` to go to the documentation of an extension.
-.. figure:: _images/mobilemenu.png
- :class: with-border with-shadow
- Open menu on mobile
-Menu of other manuals
-As soon as you go to a manual (e.g. :ref:`t3start:start`), you leave the "glue pages"
-and the menu will look different:
-* **On a glue page**: Menu of "glue pages", no search field
-* **On a page of a manual**: Menu of the manual, search field
-.. figure:: _images/menu-of-getting-started.png
- :class: with-border with-shadow
- Menu of "Getting Started Tutorial"
-.. _usage-start-page:
-Go to start page
-Wherever you are, you can click :guilabel:`TYPO3 Documentation` in the top
-left to return to the start page:
-.. figure:: _images/home.png
- :alt: Go to documentation start page https://docs.typo3.org
- Go to documentation start page https://docs.typo3.org
-.. _usage-start-page-manual:
-Go to the start page of a manual
-When you are viewing a page of a manual (not the "glue pages"), you can
-go to the start page of the manual by clicking on the title of the manual
-(directly under :guilabel:`"TYPO3 Documentation"`).
-.. figure:: _images/getting-started-menu-startpage.png
- :class: with-border with-shadow
- :alt: Go to start page of "Getting Started Tutorial"
- Go to start page of "Getting Started Tutorial"
-.. _usage-version-selector:
-Version selector
-When you are reading a manual, for example the :ref:`t3start:start`, you can select
-a version from the version selector (which is located under the title).
-The version usually reflects the TYPO3 version, so for example
-choose 8.7 if you are using TYPO3 8.7 LTS.
-.. figure:: _images/versionselector.png
- :class: with-border with-shadow
- Version selector
-You cannot select a version from the page you are currently reading. The "glue pages"
-are not specific to a TYPO3 version.
-.. _usage-search:
-The search box only searches in the selected manual. For example, if you are
-reading :ref:`t3start:start`, then search will only search within this manual.
-Alternatively, you can use an external search engine:
-Restrict the search to `site:docs.typo3.org`, *if* you only want to search within
-the official documentation on docs.typo3.org.
-Just add your search query to one of these queries:
-* `Google search: site:docs.typo3.org `__
-* `DuckDuckGo search site:docs.typo3.org `__
-* `Startpage.com `__ (add `site:docs.typo3.org` in the search field)
-.. _usage-browse-pages-by-keyboard:
-Browse pages by keyboard
-Each manual knows about a linear sequence of its pages. Click on the buttons
-:guilabel:`Next` or :guilabel:`Previous` to move forwards or
-backwards in that sequence. The buttons are located on the bottom
-of every page and on the top (in a smaller and more dimmed variant).
-The good news is that these functions are also available
-from the keyboard by the "access keys".
-What's an "Access Key"?
- In a web browser, an `access key or accesskey`__ allows a computer
- user to jump to a specific part of a web page via the
- keyboard.
-__ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Accesskey
-Unfortunately each browser seems to use `its own modifier`__ to
-make the access key work.
-In most web browsers the user invokes the access key by pressing
-the "modifier (which often is :kbd:`Alt` or :kbd:`Ctrl`) simultaneously with the
-appropriate character on the keyboard. So we have for example:
-__ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Accesskey#Access_in_different_browsers
-================= ============================== =====================
-OS Browser Modifier
-================= ============================== =====================
-Linux any :kbd:`Alt` + :kbd:`Shift`
-OSX 10.6 Safari, Firefox, Chrome, iCab :kbd:`Ctrl` + :kbd:`Alt`
-OSX 10.7 Firefox :kbd:`Ctrl`
-Win7 Chrome, Safari :kbd:`Alt`
-Win7 Firefox :kbd:`Shift` + :kbd:`Alt`
-Windows IE :kbd:`Alt` + :kbd:`` + :kbd:`enter`
-================= ============================== =====================
-.. tip::
- Hover over the :guilabel:`Next` or :guilabel:`Previous` button on the top
- or bottom of the page to see the tooltip.
-Next page
-Press :kbd:`access key` + :kbd:`n` or click :guilabel:`Next` to advance to the next
-page in line.
-Previous page
-Press :kbd:`access key` + :kbd:`p` or click "Previous" to go to the page that
-precedes the current page.
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@@ -9,12 +9,6 @@
Welcome to the official TYPO3 Documentation
-.. sidebar:: About
- * :ref:`About TYPO3 Documentation `
- * :ref:`Using this site `
- * :ref:`Documentation News `
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