Refer the following branch if you are DevKit user because DevKit is no longer supported from the v2.2.x of NRSDK
Unity project to try hand tracking and MRTK together without installation of NRSDK and MRTK by yourself.
Uity package including MRTK profiles, scripts and prefabs to use hand tracking and MRTK.
- Please install it into your own Uity project if you make hand tracking feature work with MRTK. (See dependency.)
- Additionally, please replace file
of MRTK with the same name file stored in this repository.
I have tested the combination of following SDKs in my environment but other combinations probably work as well.
These SDK must be installed before hand.
(1) NRSDK Unity SDK 2.2.1
(2) MRTK-Unity v2.8.2
*You don't need to download & install MRTK if you start development with the Unity project of this repository.
Unity 2022.3.20f1
You can immediately use the sample scenes by opening the MRTK-NrealHandTracking
folder in this repository with the Unity Editor.
Instead, if you want to install only this tool into your own project, please refer to the instructions below.
Video was created by Robi-TheXRGuy
(1) Please use following prefabs instead of NRealInput and NRealCameraRig.
(2) Do not forget to replace MixedRealityInputSystem.cs
(3) Use following version if you are using DevKit.
If hand interaction doesn't work immediately after applying this profile to your project , please reboot unity editor.
This is still in the process of development.
Your contribution and pull requests are welcome!