The goal of this project was to understand how to use the leap motion sensor with the arduino and robotic arm. I use the Arduino mega for controlling the servos on the robotic arm.
Used in the design and technology lab of YCIS currently to teach about different ways of robotic interactions.
The code consists of two parts, processing IDE and arduino IDE. Parts used:
1)Leap motion sensor
2)Arduino Mega 2560
3)Robotic arm with 5 Degrees of freedom (5 servo motors- rotation from 0 to 180 degrees).
SETUP: Download the code here and then be sure to have the PROCESSING IDE and ARDUINO IDE to run the code. Attach the leap motion sensor to the computer and the arduino to the computer. The setup of arduino to the robotics arm is shown in the images(just connect the pins to the servos and change the arduino code to represent the correct digital pin number). Description is given below.
Check wiki for more information.