Monthly Cost Calculator
It’s an android application for calculating monthly cost. Initially it is mainly designed for student. User will enter his income/balance at the beginning of the month. Then daily he will save his cost of food, transport, rent, educational purpose, others etc. This app will show him total daily Cost and also the cost till the date from the beginning. This application will provide the total amount he spent on each purpose too. This app will also give warning after exceeding the main balance.
Significance: It will give a clear picture of our day-to-day cost and will help us to be economical.
Mainactivity looks like this and is linked to studentmode. By clicking the STUDENT MODE button user can go the next page.
Cost activity is designed to collect data and save.
If the cost exceeds the main balance then value of REMAINING COST will be shown in Red color to give alert.
Next page MORE INFO shows the cost for each purpose.
Though this app is mainly designed for student who live away from home, but this app can be updated for general people also. The main advantage of this app is, it will help to give the user a clear conception of his day-to-day cost.