Endpoints for the ChemALive ConstruQt API website
- POST: Register new user by asking for an email (send email validation code)
- POST: Validate a new registered user with validation code sent by email
- POST: Get a new JWT by passing username and password.
- POST: Get a new JWT by passing an old still valid JWT.
- POST: Verify a token by passing the token in the body
- POST: Reset users password by sending a validation code in a email
- POST: Validate password reset token and set new password for the user.
- GET: get all the User Profiles
- GET/PUT/DESTROY: get or update or delete the User's Profiles
- GET/PUT: get or update the User's Profiles
- GET/PUT/DESTROY: get or update or delete a User
by user_id
- GET/PUT: get or update a User Profiles by user_id (also update membership status)
- GET: search a User Profile by keyword ('username', 'last_name', 'first_name','email','user_company', 'user_phone', 'user_premium_status')
- GET: get all Projects from all users
- GET: get all User's Projects
- POST: create a new Project by owner
- GET/UPDATE/DESTROY: get or update or delete a Project
- GET/POST: get all project's collaborators or add a collaborator to the Project
- GET: search a Project by keyword (project_name, owner_username, owner_first_name, owner_last_name', owner_company)
- GET: get all Collaborations
- GET: get all User's Collaborations as guest
- GET/DESTROY: get or delete a Collaboration
- GET: search a Collaborations by keyword (collaborator_email)
- POST: post a message from Contact Form