An API that can be used to create a social network platform. I worked on this project during Full-Stack development bootcamp. It was a one week individual project and the goal was to achieve as much as we can.
- Python
- Django
- Django REST framework
- Docker
User who posted
Datetime when posted
Text content
External link content
Picture/Gif upload
Likes relation
Share relation ot another Post
/api/auth/token/ POST: Get a new JWT by passing username and password
/api/auth/token/refresh/ POST: Get a new JWT by passing an old still valid refresh token.
/api/auth/token/verify/ POST: Verify a token by passing the access token in the body
/api/auth/password-reset/ POST: Reset users password by sending a validation code in an email
/api/auth/password-reset/validate/ POST: Validate password reset token and set new password for the user
/api/feed/ GET: lists all the posts of all users in chronological order
/api/feed/?search=str:search_string GET: Search posts of all users and list result in chronological order
/api/feed/int:user_id/ GET: lists all the posts of a specific user in chronological order
/api/feed/followees/ GET: lists all the posts of followed users in chronological order
/api/feed/friends/ GET: lists all the posts of the logged in user’s friends in chronological order
/api/posts/int:post_id/ GET: get a specific post by ID and display all the information about that post
/api/posts/int:post_id/ PATCH: update a specific post (only allow owner of post or admin)
/api/posts/int:post_id/ DELETE: delete a post by ID (only allow owner of post or admin)
/api/posts/like/int:post_id/ POST: like a post
/api/posts/like/int:post_id/ DELETE: remove like from a post
/api/posts/new-post/ POST: user can make a new post by sending post data
/api/posts/likes/ GET: the list of the posts the user likes
/api/posts/share-post/int:post_id/ POST: User can share a post they like from another user (this creates a new post on this user with no content but a share relation)
/api/users/follow/int:user_id/ POST: follow a user
/api/users/follow/int:user_id/ DELETE: unfollow a user
/api/users/followers/ GET: List of all the logged in user’s followers
/api/users/following/ GET: List of all the people the user is following
/api/users/ GET: Get all the users
/api/users/?search=str:search_string GET: Search users
/api/users/int:user_id/ GET: Get specific user profile
/api/users/friendrequests/int:user_id/ POST: Send friend request to another user
/api/users/friendrequests/ GET: List all open friend requests from others
/api/users/friendrequests/pending/ GET: List all the logged in user’s pending friend requests
/api/users/friendrequests/accept/int:request_id/ POST: Accept an open friend request
/api/users/friendrequests/reject/int:request_id/ POST: Reject an open friend request
/api/users/friends/ GET: List all accepted friends
/api/users/friends/unfriend/int:user_id/ DELETE: Unfriend a user
/api/me/ GET: Get logged in user’s profile (as well private information like email, etc.)
/api/me/ POST: Update the logged in user’s profile public info)
/api/registration/ POST: Register a new user by asking for an email (send email validation code)
/api/registration/validation/ POST: Validate a new registered user with a validation code sent by email
Send an email to the user if they get followed by someone
Send an email to the user if they get a friend request
Send an email if a friend request gets accepted
Send an email to the user if a friend makes a post