This project is part of my master thesis at the Technical University Munich and also part of the MaLSAMi project of the Chair for Operating Systems at the Department of Informatics.
Schedulability analysis (SA) using a recurrent neural network (RNN).
The Task-Sets are given through a SQL-database with the following three tables:
- TaskSet: Set_ID, Successful, TASK1_ID, TASK2_ID, TASK3_ID, TASK4_ID
- Task: Task_ID, Priority, Deadline, Quota, CAPS, PKG, Arg, CORES, COREOFFSET, CRITICALTIME, Period, Number_of_Jobs, OFFSET
- Job: Set_ID, Task_ID, Job_ID, Start_Date, End_Date, Exit_Value
Download or clone the hole project. Add the database as described above to the project directory. Change to the project directory and type
vagrant up
to start the vagrant machine. Then type
vagrant ssh
to ssh into the vagrant machine. Change the directory with
cd /vagrant
to the project directory. Then you can do different things:
- do hyperparameter exploration
- train and evaluate a single model
- plot experiment results
For hyperparameter exploration uncomment line 66 in and specifiy a name and number for the experiment (also name of the resulting csv-file):
hyperparameter_exploration(data=data, name='This is the name of the experiment', num='This is the
number of the experiment')
The hyperparameter, that are tested, are defined in Currently the following hyperparameters are included:
Hyperparameter | Description |
batch_size | Size of the data batches (number of task-sets), for which the weights are updated |
num_epochs | Number of epochs, in which the hole dataset is processed |
keep_prob | Percentage of inputs that are forwarded; (1 - keep_prob) are the number of inputs that are not forwarded by the dropout layer |
num_cells | number of cells (LSTM, GRU) or recurrent layers |
hidden_layer_size | size of the layers (number of neurons per layer) |
hidden_activation | activation function of the layers |
optimizer | algorithm to optimize the weights |
There are also some configuration parameters defined in this file, to specifiy the hyperparameter experiment:
Configuration Parameter | Description |
use_checkpoint | if the ModelCheckpoint callback should be used (saves the model) |
checkpoint_dir | directory where the model should be saved |
checkpoint_verbose | how much information should be printed to the console during saving of the model |
use_earlystopping | if the EarlyStopping callback should be used (stops training if no improvement) |
use_tensorboard | if the TensorBoard callback should be used (collects information for TensorBoard) |
tensorboard_log_dir | directory where the TensorBoard log-files should be saved |
use_reduceLR | if the RecudeLROnPlateau callback should be used (adapts learning rate automatically) |
verbose_training | how much infomration should be printed to the console during training |
verbose_eval | how much information should be printed to the console during evaluation |
time_steps | number of time steps = sequence length = maximum number of tasks per task-set |
element_size | sequence vector length = number of attributes per task |
num_classes | number of classes = number of bits for coding the classes |
The hyperparameter exploration can then be started by typing
in the console. The results of the experiment can be found in the csv-file created in the working directory.
To train and evaluate a single Keras model uncomment line 72 in and start the program by typing
in the console. The hyperparameters and configuration parameters can be specified in the file
The plotting functions are defined in the file Add the desired functions to the main()-function and start the programm by typing
in the console. Currently there are the following plotting functions available:
- plot a single hyperparameter (single line plot)
- plot the confusion matrix
- plot the correlation matrix
The result of my hyperparameter exploration, i.e. the best model (best hyperparameter combination) if found, is saved in the directory
The results of my hyperparameter experiments are saved in the csv-files in the directory