The DPS Payment Service provides two operations completely replacing the legacy Payment service:
- getSinglePaymentURL: Provides an environmentally specific set of CRC application endpoints.
- getBeanstreamEndpoints: Provides an encoded URL for insertion into outgoing SPD client email linking the clients to the Bambora Online Payment System.
Payment service implements Bambora Hash validation for Checkout to serve secure urls.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
See Deployment section for additional notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
You should use environment variables to configure payment service app
set the
active profile in order to activate enviroment variables overwriting:spring_profiles_active=cloud
Add the following flage
Environment Variable | Description | Notes |
CRC_ENDPOINT_APPROVED | Credit Record Check Approved Endpoint | not set by default |
CRC_ENDPOINT_DECLINED | Credit Record Check Declined Endpoint | not set by default |
CRC_ENDPOINT_ERROR | Credit Record Check Error Endpoint | not set by default |
BAMBORA_PAYMENT_ENDPOINT | Bambora Payment Endpoint | not set by default |
BAMBORA_MERCHANT_ID | Bambora Merchant Endpoint | not set by default |
BAMBORA_HASHKEY | Bambora Hashkey | not set by default |
BAMBORA_TIME_ZONE | ID - the ID for a TimeZone, either an abbreviation such as "PST", a full name such as "America/Los_Angeles", or a custom ID such as "GMT-8:00". Note that the support of abbreviations is for JDK 1.1.x compatibility only and full names should be used. | not set by default |
SWAGGER_UI_ENABLED | Enable Swagger Ui | default is false |
Payment Service is using (Spring Boot Actuator)[] to expose health endpoints.
The default health is available at /paymentservice/actuator/health
Payment services support Splunk for event logging. To enable splunk run the mvn commend with the splunk profile activated
mvn command example:
mvn package -P splunk
mvn spring-boot:run -P splunk
Configure the following environment variable to start logging data to splunk
Environment Variable | Description | Notes |
SPLUNK_ULR | Splunk base url | not set by default |
SPLUNK_TOKEN | Splunk HEC token value | not set by default |
mvn clean install
mvn spring-boot:run
mvn test
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Explain what these tests test and why
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