GCode-Shaper-Parser aims to provide students a useful tool for understanding and practicing with G-code, a programming language for CNC (Computer Numerical Control) machines. This project is composed by two main parts that are integrated each other and work together to provide to the final user the best approach to the industrial automation duties. As specifed below, the GCode programming language used by this software is a simplifed version of the real GCode used on the industrial machines and, in particular, is composed by:
- GCODE Parser is the main compiler developed for parsing G-code language and provide a graphical representation of the written code.
- Shaper is a metalanguage built upon G-code in order to simplify the definition of CNC commands and help the users understand the rules of G-code language.
For further information on GCode programming language plese refere to this link.
We want to underline that the GCode Shaper works with a new metalanguage created from scratch by the developers of this tool while the GCode Parser works with the "ligth GCode", that is a simplified version of the GCode which already exist and is widespread in the industrial sector.
Both GCODE Parser and Shaper are written in Java using ANTLR package.
GCode-Shaper-IDE is a GUI developed for helping users in the usage of GCode-Shaper-Parser.
├── code
├── docs
├── errors
├── jars
├── libraries
├── UML
└── README.md
This repository is basically organized as follows:
It contains all the code related to this project. It is further organized into packages, each of which refers to a specific feature or features subset. Please refer below for subfolder organization details.
It contains the documentation both for the G-Code parser and the Shaper metalanguage. You can navigate it using links to the errors subfolder.
├── gcode parser
│ ├── GCode Parser Syntax Grammar.pdf
│ ├── README.md
│ └── tokenList.md
├── pdf_readme.pdf
├── pptx_presentation.pdf
└── shaper metalanguage
├── README.md
├── Shaper Parser Syntax Grammar.pdf
└── tokenList.md
In this folder are located the specification for the errors, both for G-Code and Shaper.
├── gcode parser
│ └── README.md
└── shaper metalanguage
└── README.md
This folder containts the antlrworks-1.5.2-complete.jar
. If you'd like to develop further, please refer to this jar in order to update and modify the language specification (both for G-Code and Shaper).
└── antlrworks-1.5.2-complete.jar
This project uses antlr-3.4-complete.jar
. When importing the Java code, please use this library version to build the project.
├── antlr-3.4-complete.jar
├── antlr-4.8-complete.jar
└── antlr-runtime-4.8.jar
This folder contains all UML diagrams, namely class diagrams for all classes and the package diagram for the entire project.
├── gcodeCompiler_package.png
├── gcodeCompilerUtil_package.png
├── gcodeDrawingTool_package.png
├── gcodeIDE.png
├── gcodeMain_package.png
├── package_diagram.png
├── shaperCompiler_package.png
├── shaperCompilerUtil_package.png
├── shaperMain_package.png
└── README.md
├── IDE
├── resources
└── temp_files
The code folder is organized as follows:
This source folder contains all the code related to the G-Code specification language. gcodeGrammarHandler.java
is responsible for managing all G-Code main functions, mainly responsible for language-related data acquisition, data structures manipulation and population. In the util
package are located all support classes that allow to build all the language associated objects. The gcodeDrawingTool
package contains the classes that manage the graphical interface for the G-Code drawing tool, while gcodeMain
contains the error manager class for G-Code.
├── gcodeCompiler
│ ├── gcodeGrammar.g
│ ├── gcodeGrammarHandler.java
│ ├── gcodeGrammarLexer.java
│ ├── gcodeGrammarParser.java
│ ├── gcodeGrammar.tokens
│ └── util
│ ├── BlockDescriptor.java
│ ├── CircularMove.java
│ ├── Coordinate.java
│ ├── GCodeError.java
│ ├── InfoGeometriche.java
│ ├── InfoTecnologiche.java
│ ├── InfoTecnologicheM.java
│ ├── LinearMove.java
│ └── Tool.java
├── gcodeDrawingTool
│ ├── GCodeDrawingViewer.java
│ └── StaticDrawingController.java
└── gcodeMain
└── GcodeErrorManager.java
In this source folder are located the viewer and controller classes for the IDE.
└── gcodeIDE
├── GCodeIDEMain.java
└── GCodeIDEWindow.java
This source folder has the exact same structure as GCODE
but refers to the Shaper Metalanguage.
├── shaperCompiler
│ ├── shaperGrammar.g
│ ├── shaperGrammarHandler.java
│ ├── shaperGrammarLexer.java
│ ├── shaperGrammarParser.java
│ ├── shaperGrammar.tokens
│ └── util
│ ├── Circle.java
│ ├── Rectangle.java
│ ├── Shape.java
│ ├── ShaperError.java
│ ├── Square.java
│ └── Triangle.java
└── shaperMain
└── ShaperErrorManager.java
This folder contains some debugging file useful for future developments, mainly involving the possibilty of direct parsing of .gcode files, manually written or automatically generated by CAM (Computer Aided Manufacturing) software.
├── input.gcode
├── sampleInputDrawing.gcode
└── shaperInput.shaper
In this folder are located the temporari swap files used by the IDE for to store the user input (both Shaper and G-Code) or mid-processing data, namely the G-Code specification generated by parsing the Shaper user input.
├── gcode_temp.txt
└── shaper_temp.txt
Please refer to this link in order to browse the javadoc for all the packages, classes, methods and fields.
GCode-Shaper-IDE v1.0 executable program can be downloaded from the Releases section of this repo ("GCodeShaperIDE.exe").
Helpful docs with syntax, examples and errors for understanding both GCODE Parser and Shaper are here provided:
Please refer to this page in order to browse all package and class diagrams available for this project.
Following the GCode definition, each block of the source code can contain one or more instruction and, each of them, has further informations about the movement, the speed, the tecnology and other possibile details of the CNC machine tool.
An important difference between the GCode and our "light GCode" is that in the reality all the instruction informations can be listed randomly while in our solution a specified a fix order to be followed is specified. The GCode grammar implemented in this software is based on this assumption and it is built via a bottom-up approach that combine two main methods: the first one is used to create the instruction informations while the other one is used to assembly them in several blocks.
During the costruction is also verified that the identificator of each block (N###) follows an increasing order (not necessarily sequential) and, after this check, all the components are finally merged in the main object called "Blocks" and built as a SortedMap. It represent the top-chain object which is passed and processed by the GCode parser.
As done for the GCode specification, a bottom-up approach is applied. All the shape informations are collected (shape
and configuration
) and the shape object is created via the createShape()
method. In this case no lists are used beacuse only one shape is built.
All errors in G-code Parser and Shaper are here listed:
- Luca Ghislotti
- Luca Parimbelli
- Andrea Marinò
- Alessandro Mazzola