For new members to learn about programming; See Wiki for required software
Code that you guys wrote in class, with comments.
- A with initalized subsystem
- An example and
- A tank drive Drivetrain class
- A DrivingWithJoystick Command
- Gamepad Classes and Driver/Operator Classes
- GTADrive and Constants Util Classes
- A new, simple Command for you to de-code
- Button mapping for non-default Commands
- Custom USBCamera Class
These are things that you kind of have to experience and practice with to understand (or at least that's how I [Unnas] learned them)
- How to Tune PID (in addition to the mentors on the team, there are a lot of online resources that give set-by-step PID tuning guides)
- GIT steps (in addition to the mentors on the team, there are a lot of online resources)