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Typo fixes within the browser

Drew Lewis edited this page Jul 22, 2024 · 6 revisions

Small fixes to text, e.g. to fix a typo, can be quickly made within the web browser using the steps below. We suggest to use the full authoring via Codespaces if you are changing anything more significant, so that you can preview your edits.

As an example, an issue was created that pointed out a typo of a single character. This should be an easy fix within the browser.


  1. From the main repository page, select the directory for the book you are fixing the typo in. This was Linear Algebra, so we'll go there.


  1. Navigate down the file structure to the source file. First click on source, then the relevant module (in this case applications), then the section.


  1. Either scroll through the source, or use the search function (CTRL+F or CMD+F in most browsers) to find the line of code you need to fix. Take note of this line number!


  1. In the top right, hit the pencil icon to edit the file.


  1. Scroll down to the line number you noted, and make the change. Then hit the green "Commit changes" button in the top right.


  1. Enter a commit message. Usually something short like "Fix typo" is fine, but if you do something else describe that. Then hit the green "Propose Changes" button.


  1. Github automatically takes you to a page to open a pull request. If needed, you can add a description (often this is unnecessary for a typo fix, but since there was an issue related to this it is noted here). You can also choose a reviewer on the right. Then hit the green "Create Pull Request" button.


  1. That's it! Now a maintainer will review and merge your fix into the book. If they have questions or comments on your contribution, they will be left on the pull request and you should receive an email notification from Github.
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