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Merge pull request #216 from TeamEpochGithub/215-doc-add-optional-dep…
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DOC: Add optional dependencies description to ``
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EWitting authored Jun 28, 2024
2 parents e8a1b9c + 1442450 commit 1bbee31
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Showing 2 changed files with 53 additions and 78 deletions.
83 changes: 53 additions & 30 deletions
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@@ -1,7 +1,13 @@

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Epochalyst is the base for [Team Epoch]( competitions.

Expand All @@ -11,59 +17,76 @@ Epochalyst: A fusion of "Epoch" and "Catalyst," this name positions your pipelin

## Installation

Install `epochalyst` via pip:
Install `epochalyst` using [Rye](

pip install epochalyst
rye add epochalyst

Or using [Poetry](
Or via pip:

poetry add epochalyst
pip install epochalyst

## Pytest coverage report
### Optional Dependencies

To generate pytest coverage report run
Depending on what data libraries you use, you can install the following optional dependencies:
rye add epochalyst[numpy,pandas,dask,polars] # Pick one or more of these

python -m pytest --cov=epochalyst --cov-branch --cov-report=html:coverage_re
Depending on what type of competition you are participating in, you can install the following optional dependencies:
rye add epochalyst[image,audio] # Pick one or more of these

## Imports
Aside from that, you can install the following optional dependencies:
rye add epochalyst[onnx,openvino] # Optimizing model inference

### Caching
## Pytest coverage report

For caching some imports are only required, these have to be manually installed when needed
To generate pytest coverage report run

- dask >= 2023.12.0 & dask-expr
- pandas >= 1.3.0
- polars
- pyarrow >= 6.0.0 (Read parquet files)
- annotated-types >= 0.6.0
rye run pytest --cov=epochalyst --cov-branch --cov-report=html:coverage_re

### Model
## pre-commit

There is support for using timm models. To be able to do so the user must manually install timm.
- timm >= 0.9.16
This repository uses [pre-commit]( with [Ruff](
and [MyPy]( hooks for code quality checks and auto-formatting.
To install the pre-commit hooks, run:

### Augmentation
rye run pre-commit install

There is also implementations of augmentations that are not in commonly used packages. Most of these are for time series data but there are implmenetations for CutMix and MixUp for images that can be used in the pipeline. To be able to use these the user must manually install kornia.
To run the pre-commit checks on all files, run:

- kornia >= 0.7.2
rye run pre-commit run --all-files

## Documentation

Documentation is generated using [Sphinx](
Documentation is generated using [Sphinx]( and can be found [here](

To make the documentation, run `make html` with `docs` as the working directory. The documentation can then be found in `docs/_build/html/index.html`.
To make the documentation yourself, run `make html` with `docs` as the working directory.
The documentation can then be found in `docs/_build/html/index.html`.

Here's a short command to make the documentation and open it in the browser:
## Contributors

cd ./docs/;
./make.bat html; start chrome file://$PWD/_build/html/index.html
cd ../
Epochalyst was created by [Team Epoch IV](, based in the [Dream Hall]( of the [Delft University of Technology](

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48 changes: 0 additions & 48 deletions requirements.txt

This file was deleted.

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