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Releases: TeamHarTex/HarTex

HarTex 0.12.0, Magnesium I

04 Aug 13:55
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4 contributors made contributions to this release

243 commits since 2024-05-31


This is an unsupported 0.x release. Use with caution.

API Backend

  • Changed: updated rust-version to 1.82


  • Changed: updated rust-version to 1.82

Database Infrastructure

  • Changed: updated rust-version to 1.82

Discord Frontend

  • Added: required_permissions field to command macro
  • Added: plugin macro
  • Added: guild configuration provider
  • Changed: updated rust-version to 1.82

Localization Infrastructure

  • Changed: updated rust-version to 1.82

Rust Utilities

  • Changed: updated rust-version to 1.82
  • Changed: format for log entries

Web Frontend

  • Added: added several components
  • Changed: updated website

HarTex 0.11.0, Sodium I

31 May 06:45
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2 contributors made contributions to this release

241 commits since 2024-04-30


This is an unsupported 0.x release. Use with caution.

API Backend

  • Changed: updated rust-version to 1.80


  • Changed: updated rust-version to 1.80

Database Infrastructure

  • Added: added database migration tool utilising refinery
  • Added: database queries to work with configuration as JSONB objects
  • Changed: updated rust-version to 1.80

Discord Frontend

  • Added: plugin attribute macro and Plugin traits
  • Added: plugin-related functions to CommandMetadata trait
  • Added: checks for whether plugins are enabled before running one of their commands
  • Changed: lookup tables are now used for command dispatch rather than match
  • Changed: extracted configuration models to its own crate (serde support included)
  • Changed: updated rust-version to 1.80
  • Changed: /info emoji now sends embeds
  • Changed: more information has been added to /info emoji
  • Changed: /info emoji now handles the error of an emoji not being found from database
  • Changed: removed previously deprecated functions from CommandMetadata
  • Changed: deprecated command_type and interaction_only in CommandMetadata
  • Removed: redis dependency removed

Localization Infrastructure

  • Added: added messages to Fluent for more commands
  • Changed: updated rust-version to 1.80

Rust Utilities

  • Added: added utility functions for working with CommandDataOption
  • Changed: updated rust-version to 1.80

HarTex 0.10.0, Neon I

30 Apr 03:42
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3 contributors made contributions to this release

277 commits since 2024-03-08


This is an unsupported 0.x release. Use with caution.


Let's give our warm welcome to our latest contributor, @christolis, who helped implement Zed editor support for development environment!

API Backend

  • Added: code documentation
  • Changed: updated rust-version to 1.79


  • Added: code documentation
  • Added: setup procedure for the Zed editor for working with HarTex
  • Changed: updated rust-version to 1.79

Database Queries

  • Added: code documentation
  • Changed: updated rust-version to 1.79

Discord Frontend

  • Added: /info emoji command
  • Added: error handling for interaction commands only
  • Added: panic handling via unwinding for interaction commands only
  • Added: error reporting in internal channels and user-facing messages
  • Added: code documentation
  • Changed: updated rust-version to 1.79
  • Changed: updated cache entities and repositories

Localization Infrastructure

  • Added: code documentation
  • Changed: updated rust-version to 1.79

Rust Utilities

  • Added: code documentation
  • Changed: updated rust-version to 1.79

Web Frontend

  • Changed: migrated to the Bun runtime

HarTex 0.9.0, Fluorine I

08 Mar 09:41
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4 contributor made contributions to this release

205 commits since 2024-02-05


This is an unsupported 0.x release. Use with caution.

API Backend

  • Changed: renamed .cargo/config to .cargo/config.toml


  • Changed: renamed .cargo/config to .cargo/config.toml

Database Queries

  • Changed: renamed .cargo/config to .cargo/config.toml

Discord Frontend

  • Added: added role creation relative timestamp to /info role
  • Added: added more information to /info user
  • Changed: renamed .cargo/config to .cargo/config.toml
  • Changed: migrated from rlua to mlua
  • Changed: extracted caching process from worker

Localization Infrastructure

  • Changed: renamed .cargo/config to .cargo/config.toml

Rust Utilities

  • Changed: renamed .cargo/config to .cargo/config.toml

HarTex 0.8.0, Oxygen I

05 Feb 09:10
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4 contributors made contributions to this release

566 commits since 2024-01-01


This is an unsupported 0.x release. Use with caution.

API Backend

  • Changed: bumped rust-version to 1.78.0


  • Added: added and related bootstrap barebones
  • Added: added various commands
  • Added: sample configuration files
  • Changed: bumped rust-version to 1.78.0
  • Removed: removed old buildsystem

Database Queries

  • Changed: updated database queries

Discord Frontend

  • Added: added more conversions to entity macro
  • Added: added inter-entity relations to entity macro
  • Changed: bumped rust-version to 1.78.0
  • Changed: migrated to Lua configuration
  • Changed: modified cached guild entity fields
  • Changed: modified cached user entity fields
  • Changed: updated /info server command to add extra information
  • Changed: migrated tests to the new testing infrastructure

Localization Infrastructure

  • Added: added more localization keys
  • Changed: bumped rust-version to 1.78.0

Rust Utilities

  • Added: added more types to be localizable
  • Changed: bumped rust-version to 1.78.0

Web Frontend

  • Added: reimplementation of the main page

HarTex 0.7.1, Nitrogen II

01 Jan 05:04
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1 contributor made contributions to this release

11 commits since 2024-01-01


This is an unsupported 0.x release. Use with caution.

Discord Frontend

  • Changed: de-Arc the bot gateway queue as per changes in twilight

HarTex 0.7.0, Nitrogen I

31 Dec 16:01
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4 contributor made contributions to this release

360 commits since 2023-12-10


This is an unsupported 0.x release. Use with caution.

API Backend

  • Added: added PATCH /stats/uptime API
  • Changed: use database pools for database queries
  • Changed: bumped rust-version to 1.77.0
  • Changed: increment copyright year to 2024


  • Added: added update commands to update dependencies of (a) project(s)
  • Added: added task completion duration
  • Changed: bumped rust-version to 1.77.0
  • Changed: increment copyright year to 2024

Database Queries

  • Added: added various queries for cache usage
  • Changed: bumped rust-version to 1.77.0
  • Changed: increment copyright year to 2024

Discord Frontend

  • Added: added framework for /info user command
  • Changed: migrated cache repositories to PostgreSQL
  • Changed: completed /info role command
  • Changed: use database pools for database queries
  • Changed: bumped rust-version to 1.77.0
  • Changed: implemented nitro boosting information to /info server command
  • Changed: imlpemented nitro boosting related fields to guild entity
  • Fixed: fixed the /info bot command
  • Fixed: fixed the requests sent by command manager
  • Fixed: fixed the --with-localizations flag in the command manager
  • Changed: increment copyright year to 2024

Localization Infrastructure

  • Added: added various localizatoin entries for more features
  • Fixed: fixed path related bugs when running the bot and looking for the localization bundles
  • Changed: bumped rust-version to 1.77.0
  • Changed: increment copyright year to 2024

Rust Utilities

  • Added: added database pool
  • Added: added functionality to create a TCP stream with TLS for use with hyper to use HTTPS
  • Added: make a twilight PremiumTier localizable
  • Changed: bumped rust-version to 1.77.0
  • Changed: increment copyright year to 2024

Web Frontend

  • Changed: increment copyright year to 2024

HarTex 0.6.0, Carbon I

10 Dec 11:39
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1 contributor made contributions to this release

339 commits since 2023-11-05


This is an unsupported 0.x release. Use with caution.

API Backend

  • Added: added hartex-backend-layers crate
  • Changed: updated Rust Version to 1.76
  • Changed: changed Response<T> to allow DeserializedOwned requirements
  • Changed: initiated and partial migration to axum
  • Changed: leverage parallel rustc compilation frontend

Bors Buildbot

  • Removed: bors in-tree is now EOL


  • Added: added clean command to clean build artifacts
  • Changed: updated Rust Version to 1.76
  • Changed: leverage parallel rustc compilation frontend

Database Queries

  • Changed: updated Rust Version to 1.76
  • Changed: leverage parallel rustc compilation frontend

Discord Frontend

  • Changed: migrated the commands to use the new localization API
  • Changed: updated hyper crate to 1.0 and performed corresponding migrations
  • Changed: leverage parallel rustc compilation frontend

Localization Infrastructure

  • Added: added hartex-localizations-bindings and hartex-localization-loader crates
  • Changed: new API in hartex-localization-core
  • Changed: updated Rust Version to 1.76
  • Changed: leverage parallel rustc compilation frontend
  • Removed: removed old bundle_get and bundle_get_args macros
  • Removed: removed old types from hartex-localization-core

Rust Utilities

  • Changed: updated Rust Version to 1.76
  • Changed: leverage parallel rustc compilation frontend

HarTex 0.5.1, Boron II

05 Nov 13:01
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This is an emergency release to fix the wrong version numbers after 0.5.0.

1 contributor made contributions to this release

57 commits since 2023-11-03


This is an unsupported 0.x release. Use with caution.

API Backend

  • Added: introduced API v2
  • Removed: discontinued API v1

Bors Buildbot

  • Changed: updated hartex-bors-dashboard website
  • Changed: migrated to API v2

Discord Frontend

  • Changed: migrated to API v2

Web Frontend

  • Changed: app components updated

HarTex 0.5.0, Boron I

03 Nov 10:40
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2 contributors made contributions to this release

272 commits since 2023-09-29


This is an unsupported 0.x release. Use with caution.

API Backend

  • Changed: updated Rust Version to 1.75
  • Changed: migrated to generated type-checked SQL queries
  • Removed: phased out sqlx deoendency

Bors Buildbot

  • Added: initiated leptos-based hartex-bors-dashboard
  • Changed: updated Rust Version to 1.75
  • Changed: deprecated hartex-bors-website


  • Changed: updated Rust Version to 1.75

Database Queries

  • Changed: rewritten in Rust

Discord Frontend

  • Added: complete yet feature-incomplete implementation of the new entity macro
  • Changed: implemented version and type metadata for twilight-model
  • Changed: updated Rust Version to 1.75
  • Changed: migrated to generated type-checked SQL queries
  • Removed: removed deprecated Entity derive macro
  • Removed: phased out sqlx dependency

Localization Infrastructure

  • Changed: updated Rust Version to 1.75

Rust Utilities

  • Added: new crate for macro utilities
  • Changed: updated Rust Version to 1.75