My implementation of various GAN model architectures generating Pokemon images.
Built fully with PyTorch.
Why Pokemon?
[data] <- Folder for Pokemon Generations dataset
|_____[pokemon.txt] <- A txt File of Pokemon classes and class info
[images] <- A folder of images, generated by models
|_____[markdown_cache] <- Photoes used in jupyter notebooks and markdown files are stored here.
|_____[MODEL_NAME] <- Photoes, generated by GAN Models
[models] <- Folder of code for all GAN Models
|_____[MODEL_NAME] <- A ProGAN Model code + weights
|_____[] <- A configuration file (for training)
|_____[] <- A file with PyTorch implementation
|_____[] <- Training code
|_____[] <- Helper functions (tensorboard, saving, etc.)
|_____[] <- Class of a Dataset implementaton
|_____[logs] <- Tensorboard logs of model training
|_____[cached] <- Model's weights folder
[notebooks] <- A folder of all Jupyter Notebooks
|_____[01_data_preprocessing.ipynb] <- A code for downloading \ formatting data + custom DataClass and DataLoader
|_____[02_ProGAN.ipynb] <- A Page on ProGAN and its results
My implementation of ProGAN architecture, built with PyTorch.
Generates images based on a Pokemon Generations Dataset kaggle
Due to my limitations in GPU power, i was able to train it only for small number of epochs (approx. 50 for 32x32 img resolutions, each taking about 1.5hr on my 1060 TI laptop GPU v-v)
However, it still is the most advanced model in this repository, and, with enough computational resources, you can train it to create good images in up to 1024x1024 px resolution!
A Non-Convolutional NN, consists of two models:
- Discriminator (Determines if image is real or fake)
- Generator (Generates images resembling real from a random normal distribution)
This Model is extremely simple, and consists of basically Linear Layers, followed by some LeakyReLU layers. I didnt expect it to perform well, as this model architecture was available 20-30 years ago. It manages to generally grasp a distribution, and on 64x64 image resolution it provides a bleak stylized colourful mess, barely resembling a pokemon.
DCGAN Is a GAN architecture that utilized Convolutional layers and resembles a CNN-like structure (although we do not use Pooling layers or Flatten layers).
It's generator structure is simple and involves transforming a latent noise vector into a 64x64 image, generated based on noise distribution of latent vector.
The discriminator (also called a critic) is the reverse of a generator.
DcGAN solves the same loss function, as a simple GAN:
- The discriminator tries to maximise the distance between a probability of a given image being fake and it being real
- The Generator tries to "fool" the Discriminator and minimise a probability of a Discriminator realizing a given image is fake