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Text page

thecodewarrior edited this page Aug 2, 2016 · 2 revisions

Text page

Type code: "text"

Text pages are the majority of the pages you'll create, and are very simple.

Global data (optional):

    "<section name>": [
        "<text definition>"
    "<section 2 name>": [
        "<text definition>"

Page data:

With the text defined inside the page:

"text": [
    "<text definition>"

Using a specific page from a global text section:

"text": {
    "global":"<section name>",

Text definition:

    "A string that can §ocontain§r formatting §2codes.\nThe codes will reset on each newline.",
    "Consecutive strings will be separate paragraphs",
    "You can add links (and more in the future) to a page, using an object. ", {"type":"link", "ref":"<<LINK>>", "text":"Here" }, " is an example. There wasn't a paragraph break in there because it wasn't two consecutive strings"
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