P.S. GCC compiler comes preinstalled on Ubuntu and a lot of other linux distros, take that Raghav
- Low level C Tutorial from CS50 Twitch
- Rust is Sloooowww 🌚
- Nothing Better than C - Linus Torvalds
- Writing Linux Kernel Modules with Rust
- Why Rust is meant to replace C
- Rust is not a good C replacement
- Speed of Rust vs C
- Rust vs C Benchmarks
- C vs Rust: Which one to choose
- Low level programming with C
- Arduino Direct Port Manipulation
- IOCCC (Some of the best codes from IOCCC can be viewed here: IOCCC Winners)
- A Minimal Raytracer with C
- Low level programming university on Github
- Redox OS
- Low level C programming Columbia University