- Stanford Introduction to Robotics - Video, Free
- Modern Robotics Northwestern - Video, Free
- MIT Introduction to Robotics - Text, Free
- UPenn Robotics Specialization - Online Course, Paid
- A Gentle Introduction to ROS - Book, Free
- ROS Documentation
- Tutorials on Youtube
- Tutorials with integrated robotics environment - Interactive, Paid
- List of ROS Books - Books, Mostly paid
- Live ROS development from ConstructSim - Video, Free
- Stanford Motion Planning
- Motion Planning Modern Robotics
- New connections between Motion Planning and Machine Learning
- Motion Planning using A*
- Sampling based motion planning algorithms
- Deep Reinforcement Learning for Motion Planning
- MIT CSAIL Manipulation - Literally one of the best robotics courses in the world - Interactive notebooks + lectures + written material (But also very advanced, we recommend going through some foundational robotics courses before this one)
- Models of Robotic Manipulation - MIT Robotics Seminar
- Generalizable Autonomy for Robot Manipulation
- Grasping and Manipulation - Modern Robotics
- Trajectory planning for robot manipulators
- Visualize A* Algorithm
- Simulate Robots right from your browser -
- 3D Teleop manipulator
- [2D Teleop manipulator]
- CyclonJs