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Translate your rails app route to various languages without the hassle


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RouteTranslator is a gem to allow you to manage the translations of your app routes with a simple dictionary format.

It started as a fork of the awesome translate_routes plugin by RaĂşl Murciano.

Right now it works with Rails 5.x and Rails 6.0

Quick Start

  1. If you have this routes.rb file originally:

    Rails.application.routes.draw do
      namespace :admin do
        resources :cars
      resources :cars

    The output of rake routes.rb would be:

        admin_cars GET    /admin/cars(.:format)          admin/cars#index
                   POST   /admin/cars(.:format)          admin/cars#create
     new_admin_car GET    /admin/cars/new(.:format)      admin/cars#new
    edit_admin_car GET    /admin/cars/:id/edit(.:format) admin/cars#edit
         admin_car GET    /admin/cars/:id(.:format)      admin/cars#show
                   PUT    /admin/cars/:id(.:format)      admin/cars#update
                   DELETE /admin/cars/:id(.:format)      admin/cars#destroy
              cars GET    /cars(.:format)                cars#index
                   POST   /cars(.:format)                cars#create
           new_car GET    /cars/new(.:format)            cars#new
          edit_car GET    /cars/:id/edit(.:format)       cars#edit
               car GET    /cars/:id(.:format)            cars#show
                   PUT    /cars/:id(.:format)            cars#update
                   DELETE /cars/:id(.:format)            cars#destroy
  2. Add the gem to your Gemfile:

    gem 'route_translator'

    And execute bundle install

  3. Wrap the groups of routes that you want to translate inside a localized block:

    Rails.application.routes.draw do
      namespace :admin do
        resources :cars
      localized do
        resources :cars
        get 'pricing', to: 'home#pricing', as: :pricing

    And add the translations to your locale files, for example:

        cars: coches
        new: nuevo
        pricing: precios
        cars: voitures
        new: nouveau
        pricing: prix
  4. Your routes are translated! Here's the output of your rake routes now:

            Prefix Verb   URI Pattern                     Controller#Action
        admin_cars GET    /admin/cars(.:format)           admin/cars#index
                   POST   /admin/cars(.:format)           admin/cars#create
     new_admin_car GET    /admin/cars/new(.:format)       admin/cars#new
    edit_admin_car GET    /admin/cars/:id/edit(.:format)  admin/cars#edit
         admin_car GET    /admin/cars/:id(.:format)       admin/cars#show
                   PATCH  /admin/cars/:id(.:format)       admin/cars#update
                   PUT    /admin/cars/:id(.:format)       admin/cars#update
                   DELETE /admin/cars/:id(.:format)       admin/cars#destroy
           cars_fr GET    /fr/voitures(.:format)          cars#index {:locale=>"fr"}
           cars_es GET    /es/coches(.:format)            cars#index {:locale=>"es"}
           cars_en GET    /cars(.:format)                 cars#index {:locale=>"en"}
                   POST   /fr/voitures(.:format)          cars#create {:locale=>"fr"}
                   POST   /es/coches(.:format)            cars#create {:locale=>"es"}
                   POST   /cars(.:format)                 cars#create {:locale=>"en"}
        new_car_fr GET    /fr/voitures/nouveau(.:format)  cars#new {:locale=>"fr"}
        new_car_es GET    /es/coches/nuevo(.:format)      cars#new {:locale=>"es"}
        new_car_en GET    /cars/new(.:format)             cars#new {:locale=>"en"}
       edit_car_fr GET    /fr/voitures/:id/edit(.:format) cars#edit {:locale=>"fr"}
       edit_car_es GET    /es/coches/:id/edit(.:format)   cars#edit {:locale=>"es"}
       edit_car_en GET    /cars/:id/edit(.:format)        cars#edit {:locale=>"en"}
            car_fr GET    /fr/voitures/:id(.:format)      cars#show {:locale=>"fr"}
            car_es GET    /es/coches/:id(.:format)        cars#show {:locale=>"es"}
            car_en GET    /cars/:id(.:format)             cars#show {:locale=>"en"}
                   PATCH  /fr/voitures/:id(.:format)      cars#update {:locale=>"fr"}
                   PATCH  /es/coches/:id(.:format)        cars#update {:locale=>"es"}
                   PATCH  /cars/:id(.:format)             cars#update {:locale=>"en"}
                   PUT    /fr/voitures/:id(.:format)      cars#update {:locale=>"fr"}
                   PUT    /es/coches/:id(.:format)        cars#update {:locale=>"es"}
                   PUT    /cars/:id(.:format)             cars#update {:locale=>"en"}
                   DELETE /fr/voitures/:id(.:format)      cars#destroy {:locale=>"fr"}
                   DELETE /es/coches/:id(.:format)        cars#destroy {:locale=>"es"}
                   DELETE /cars/:id(.:format)             cars#destroy {:locale=>"en"}
        pricing_fr GET    /fr/prix(.:format)              home#pricing {:locale=>"fr"}
        pricing_es GET    /es/precios(.:format)           home#pricing {:locale=>"es"}
        pricing_en GET    /pricing(.:format)              home#pricing {:locale=>"en"}

    Note that only the routes inside a localized block are translated.

    In :development environment, I18n is configured by default to not use fallback language. When a translation is missing, it uses the translation key last segment as fallback (cars and new in this example).

    In :production environment, you should either set config.i18n.fallbacks = false or set up translations for your routes in every languages.

  5. If you want to set I18n.locale from the url parameter locale, add the following line in your ApplicationController or in the controllers that have translated content:

    around_action :set_locale_from_url

    Note: you might be tempted to use before_action instead of around_action: just don't. That could lead to thread-related issues.

Changing the Language

To change the language and reload the appropriate route while staying on the same page, use the following code snippet:

link_to url_for(locale: 'es'), hreflang: 'es', rel: 'alternate'

Although locales are stored by Rails as a symbol (:es), when linking to a page in a different locale you need to use a string ('es'). Otherwise, instead of a namespaced route (/es/my-route) you will get a parameterized route (/my-route?locale=es).

If the page contains a localized slug, the above snippet does not work and a custom implementation is neede.

More information at Generating translated URLs


You can translate a namespace route by either its name or path option:

  1. Wrap the namespaces that you want to translate inside a localized block:

    Rails.application.routes.draw do
      localized do
        namespace :admin do
          resources :cars, only: :index
        namespace :sold_cars, path: :sold do
          resources :cars, only: :index

    And add the translations to your locale files, for example:

        admin: administrador
        cars: coches
        new: nuevo
        pricing: precios
        sold: vendidos
        admin: administrateur
        cars: voitures
        new: nouveau
        pricing: prix
        sold: vendues
  2. Your namespaces are translated! Here's the output of your rake routes now:

               Prefix Verb URI Pattern                           Controller#Action
        admin_cars_fr GET  /fr/administrateur/voitures(.:format) admin/cars#index {:locale=>"fr"}
        admin_cars_es GET  /es/administrador/coches(.:format)    admin/cars#index {:locale=>"es"}
        admin_cars_en GET  /admin/cars(.:format)                 admin/cars#index {:locale=>"en"}
    sold_cars_cars_fr GET  /fr/vendues/voitures(.:format)        sold_cars/cars#index {:locale=>"fr"}
    sold_cars_cars_es GET  /es/vendidos/coches(.:format)         sold_cars/cars#index {:locale=>"es"}
    sold_cars_cars_en GET  /sold/cars(.:format)                  sold_cars/cars#index {:locale=>"en"}


At the moment inflections are not supported, but you can use the following workaround:

localized do
  resources :categories, path_names: { new: 'new_category' }
    category: category
    new_category: new

    category: categoria
    new_category: nueva
          Prefix Verb   URI Pattern                       Controller#Action
   categories_es GET    /es/categorias(.:format)          categories#index {:locale=>"es"}
   categories_en GET    /categories(.:format)             categories#index {:locale=>"en"}
                 POST   /es/categorias(.:format)          categories#create {:locale=>"es"}
                 POST   /categories(.:format)             categories#create {:locale=>"en"}
 new_category_es GET    /es/categorias/nueva(.:format)    categories#new {:locale=>"es"}
 new_category_en GET    /categories/new(.:format)         categories#new {:locale=>"en"}
edit_category_es GET    /es/categorias/:id/edit(.:format) categories#edit {:locale=>"es"}
edit_category_en GET    /categories/:id/edit(.:format)    categories#edit {:locale=>"en"}
     category_es GET    /es/categorias/:id(.:format)      categories#show {:locale=>"es"}
     category_en GET    /categories/:id(.:format)         categories#show {:locale=>"en"}
                 PATCH  /es/categorias/:id(.:format)      categories#update {:locale=>"es"}
                 PATCH  /categories/:id(.:format)         categories#update {:locale=>"en"}
                 PUT    /es/categorias/:id(.:format)      categories#update {:locale=>"es"}
                 PUT    /categories/:id(.:format)         categories#update {:locale=>"en"}
                 DELETE /es/categorias/:id(.:format)      categories#destroy {:locale=>"es"}
                 DELETE /categories/:id(.:format)         categories#destroy {:locale=>"en"}


You can configure RouteTranslator via an initializer or using the different environment config files.

RouteTranslator.config do |config|
  config.force_locale = true
  config.locale_param_key = :my_locale

Available Configurations

Option Description Default
available_locales Limits the locales for which URLs should be generated for. Accepts an array of strings or symbols. When empty, translations will be generated for all I18n.available_locales []
disable_fallback Creates routes only for locales that have translations. For example, if we have /examples and a translation is not provided for es, the route helper of examples_es will not be created. Useful when one uses this with a locale route constraint, so non-es routes can return a 404 on a Spanish website false
force_locale Forces the locale to be added to all generated route paths, even for the default locale false
generate_unlocalized_routes Adds translated routes without deleting original unlocalized versions. Note: Autosets force_locale to true false
generate_unnamed_unlocalized_routes Adds the behavior of force_locale, but with a named default route which behaves as if generate_unlocalized_routes was true. root_path will redirect to /en or /es, depending on the value of I18n.locale false
hide_locale Forces the locale to be hidden on generated route paths false
host_locales Sets I18n.locale based on Useful for apps accepting requests from more than one domain. See below for more details {}
locale_param_key The param key used to set the locale to the newly generated routes :locale
locale_segment_proc The locale segment of the url will by default be locale.to_s.downcase. You can supply your own mechanism via a Proc that takes locale as an argument, e.g. ->(locale) { locale.to_s.upcase } false
verify_host_path_consistency Forces a matching of the host associated locale with the translated path locale as part of the route definition. By default, if you use different hosts to translate your application, all translated paths will work on all hosts false

Host-based Locale

If you have an application serving requests from more than one domain, you might want to set I18n.locale dynamically based on which domain the request is coming from.

The host_locales option is a hash mapping hosts to locales, with full wildcard support to allow matching multiple domains/subdomains/tlds. Host matching is case insensitive.

When a request hits your app from a domain matching one of the wild-card matchers defined in host_locales, the locale will be set to the specified locale. Unless you specified the force_locale configuration option to true, that locale will be hidden from routes (acting like a dynamic hide_locale option).

Here are a few examples of possible mappings:

RouteTranslator.config.host_locales =
  {                                # Matches:
    '*.es'                 => :es, # TLD:         ['', '', ''] etc.
    'ru.wikipedia.*'       => :ru, # Subdomain:   ['', '', ''] etc.
    '*.subdomain.domain.*' => :ru, # Mixture:     ['', ''] etc.
    ''       => :en, # Exact match: [''] only

In the case of a host matching more than once, the order in which the matchers are defined will be taken into account, like so:

RouteTranslator.config.host_locales = { 'russia.*' => :ru, '*.com'    => :en } # '' will have locale :ru
RouteTranslator.config.host_locales = { '*.com'    => :en, 'russia.*' => :ru } # '' will have locale :en

If host_locales option is set, the following options will be forced (even if you set to true):

@config.force_locale                        = false
@config.generate_unlocalized_routes         = false
@config.generate_unnamed_unlocalized_routes = false
@config.hide_locale                         = false

This is to avoid odd behaviour brought about by route conflicts and because host_locales forces and hides the host-locale dynamically.

NOTE: locale from parameters has priority over the one from hosts.

Translations for similar routes with different namespaces

If you have routes that (partially) share names in one locale, but must be translated differently in another locale, for example:

get 'people/favourites', to: 'people/products#favourites'
get 'favourites',        to: 'products#favourites'

Then it is possible to provide different translations for common parts of those routes by scoping translations by a controller's namespace:

    favourites: favoritos
          favourites: fans

Routes will be translated as in:

people_products_favourites_es GET  /people/products/fans(.:format)       people/products#favourites {:locale=>"es"}
       products_favourites_es GET  /products/favoritos(.:format)         products#favourites {:locale=>"es"}

The gem will lookup translations under controllers scope first and then lookup translations under routes scope.

Change locale parameter position in the path

If you need complex routing as /:country/:locale/path/to/some/pages, you can specify the position of your locale parameter in the following way:

scope ':country/:locale' do
  localized do
    root to: 'content#homepage'


Testing your controllers with routes-translator is easy, just add a locale parameter as String for your localized routes. Otherwise, an ActionController::UrlGenerationError will raise.

describe 'GET index' do
  it 'should respond with success' do
    # Remember to pass the locale param as String
    get :index, locale: 'fr'

    expect(response).to be_success


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Translate your rails app route to various languages without the hassle







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