install package using command
npm install decentralized-payments
import {supportedChains} from "decentralized-payments"
import {getPaymentClient} from "decentralized-payments"
// to build a client from keplr signer (keplr has to be installed on frontend)
const client = await getPaymentClient("osmosis-1");
// to builder a client from mnemonic (DirectSecp256k1HdWallet)
const client = await getPaymentClient("osmosis-1", {
useMnemonic: true,
mnemonic: "mnemonic xyz"
Note: It is advised to use the first version as it is more secure
pass in a callback in case you want perform some effects if the the transaction is successful or you want to hit the payment verification endpoint on the server
const informServer = (chainID: string, txHash: string) => {
// hit server
const client = await getPaymentClient("osmosis-1", {
useMnemonic: true,
mnemonic: "mnemonic xyz",
onTxSuccess: informServer
// or
const client2 = await getPaymentClient("osmosis-1", {
onTxSuccess: informServer
// These are minimal mandatory fields for a payment system to work
const txHash = await client.makePayment({
from: yourChainAddress,
to: productOwnerChainAddress,
amount: productCost,
denom: chainDenom,
memo: protocolParams,
Memo: protocolParams
this is a very important field to communicate the buyer's details to the server so that server can process the business logic after confirming the payment
// lets say the product is a video
// the server needs the gmail address of the buyers to sent the video after confirming the payment
interface Params {
gmail: string
const params = {
gmail: ""
// pass it after converting it to a json string
const memo = JSON.stringify(params);
// so when processing the payment from on server, the server can parse the params
const memo = tx.memo
const params = JSON.parse(memo);
const gmail =
import {getValidationClient} from "decentralized-payments"
// existing chain configuration i.e node rest url
const client = getValidationClient(chainID);
// or
// for trust minimization, use your own or the familiar node endpoint
const client2 = getValidationClient(chainID, url);
- isValid callback: to validate the the payment details of the transaction
// A simple implementation is check if the transaction amount >= the product amount and the transaction recipient == the seller's address
const isValid = (params) => {
return (
params.amount >= productCost &&
params.recipient === sellerAddress
- OnSuccess callback: this is where the core logic of the product transfer should be written. It will be triggered if the payment is success
const onSuccess = (params) => {
// write the business logic
// update the db
// transfer the product
// etc..
client.processTransaction(txHash, isValid, onSuccess);
If you have any query, dm me on my linkedin