This package includes RMarkdown and ioslides templates that incorporate the Telethon Kid’s style guide and emulate the Institutes Web theme. Currently, templates are available to produce stand-alone HTML reports and ioslides presentations. These templates also include colour palettes that will automatically reproduce Telethon Kids style in R graphics. A number of helper functions and data-sets are also available.
The Telethon Kids Institute biometrics package can be installed with:
remotes::install_github("TelethonKids/biometrics", build_vignettes = TRUE)
Once the biometrics package has been installed, the templates can be accessed through the New -> R markdown -> From template menu.
Both templates have been created with R markdown and the normal syntax should be followed. Some specific instructions and examples are included in default documents. A cheat-sheet explaining how to use markdown in R has been prepared by R Studio.
Specific instructions for some of the packages and functions that we use in our workflow are described in the package vignettes:
vignette("html_report", package = "biometrics")
vignette("ioslides", package = "biometrics")
- Paul Stevenson - creator - pgstevenson
- Matt Cooper - author - nzcoops
This project is licensed under the GNU General Public License - see the LICENSE file for details.
The Telethon Kids Institute is based within the Perth Children’s Hospital, and is one of the largest, and most successful medical research institutes in Australia, comprising a dedicated and diverse team of more than 700 staff and students.
We’ve created a bold blueprint that brings together community, researchers, practitioners, policy makers and funders, who share our vision to improve the health and wellbeing of children through excellence in research.
The Institute is headed by leading paediatrician and infectious diseases expert Professor Jonathan Carapetis AM, with Founding Director Professor Fiona Stanley AC now Patron. Telethon Kids is independent and not-for-profit.