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Cross Ambiguity Function benchmarks for Rust, Python, and Go.

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CAF Cook-Off

In our search for the language of the future, we decided to try and write a common dsp function in a few select languages. Which cross ambiguity function implementation will win? Implementations in Rust, Go, and Python.


We are trying to answer the following questions:

  • Time required for basic implementation in each language?
  • Time required for parralelized implementation (goroutines, threads, async)?
  • Throughput performance?
  • Cross-compilation?
  • How simple is each implementation?


A cross ambiguity function (CAF) is a method of comparing complex waveforms to determine time and frequency offset. Signals Under Test CAF Surface


Teque5 predicts that go and rust will produce the fastest implementations, but go will have the simplist parralelized version.



Time to compute a 400x8192 cross ambiguity surface using the "filterbank" CAF algorithm. I/O is all float64 and complex128 unless otherwise noted.

Single Thread

lang backend accel R9-3900X 32G W-2135 256G i7-8550U 16G ARM A57 4G
rust fftw 109 ms 158 ms 201 ms -
go fftw* *c64 FFT 119 ms 182 ms 178 ms -
rust RustFFT 177 ms 199 ms 287 ms -
python scipy +numba 164 ms 476 ms 497 ms 2315 ms
go go-dsp 406 ms 616 ms 795 ms 2386 ms
python scipy 5630 ms 3828 ms 4336 ms 41700 ms

Multiple Threads

lang backend accel R9-3900X 32G W-3125 256G i7-8550U 16G ARM A57 4G
rust RustFFT +threadpool 28 ms 39 ms - -
go fftw* +goroutines 41 ms 58 ms 82 ms -
rust RustFFT +std::thread 26 ms 58 ms 133 ms -
go go-dsp +goroutines 94 ms 106 ms 208 ms 955 ms
python scipy +mp +numba 133 ms 145 ms 161 ms 662 ms
python scipy +mp 599 ms 884 ms 1634 ms 11299 ms

Implementation Notes

  • go fftw implementation is not saving wisdom smartly. Also data still handled as complex128, but fftw wrapper only supports complex64 so i'm casting in and out during the cross-correlation.
  • numba uses @numba.njit with type hinting.
  • rust was not able to crosscompile the nightly bench for aarch64 (armv8).
  • go was not able to crosscompile fftw bindings for aarch64 (armv8).
  • go without goroutines had to explicitly specify GOMAXPROCS=1. Failing to specify this for single threaded benchmarks caused weird scheduling, leading to up to 3x slower performance.
  • A multithreaded FFTW implementation was not attempted in Rust. Unlike RustFFT, the FFTW wrapper wasn't very explicit about how it handled atomic operations, if at all.

Subjective Conclusions

python rust go
Min Time for Viable CAF 1 hr 7 hrs 7 hrs
Time for Parallel Ver 30 min 2 hrs 2 hrs
Performance ★☆☆ ★★★ ★★☆
Simplicity ★★★ ★★☆ ★★☆
Library Avail ★★★ ★★☆ ★☆☆
Cross-compilation ☆☆☆ ★★☆ ★★☆


  • Numba is amazing and salvages Python's reputation in 2020
  • Lack of benchmarking tools in Python is quite sad 😿
  • All three languages have excellent tooling
  • Go and Python both have native complex types, but rust relies on a (popular) external library for support.
  • Go and Rust MVPs were of comparable complexity
  • Both Rust and Go threading are miles ahead of C/C++
  • goroutines (green threads) end up being more "plug-and-play" than Rust's std::thread (os threads)
  • Go has fftw bindings or there is a fft library in go-dsp, but the latter isn't a full implementation and the former has quite a bit of complexity. I am disappointed such a basic tool isn't better integrated. The go-dsp implementation only supports complex128 types, and the fftw wrapper only supports complex64, which is a real bummer. Additionally the math and math/cmplx libraries only support complex128. WHY!
  • The authors of the Rust and Go versions both had rated a 3/10 familiarity with the language before starting. Without some initial exposure to core Rust concepts, the MVP for Rust would have taken significantly longer.



  • python3
    • scipy
    • numpy
  • Rust v1.41
  • go v1.13
  • GNU Radio if using grc
    • gr-sigmf


Data Generation

Install numpy, scipy for Python 3

cd utils
python3 ./


Install rustup from

rustup install nightly
cd caf_rust
cargo run
cargo test
cargo +nightly bench


Install go from the official downloads

cd caf_go
go get
go run .
go test -bench=. -benchtime=5


cd caf_python

Code Comparison

Implementations of the frequency shift function.

rust go numba python
apply_shift 120 μs 137 μs 158 μs 10300 μs
1x 1.14x 1.31x 85x


fn apply_shift(ray: &[Complex64], freq_shift: f64, samp_rate: f64) -> Vec<Complex64> {
    // apply frequency shift
    let mut new_ray = ray.to_vec();
    let precache = Complex64::new(0.0, 2.0*PI*freq_shift/samp_rate);
    for (idx, val) in ray.iter_mut().enumerate() {
        let exp = Complex64::new(i as f64, 0.0) * exp_common;
        new_ray[idx] = val * Complex64::exp(&exp);


func apply_shift(ray []complex128, freq_shift float64, samp_rate float64) (new_ray []complex128) {
	// apply frequency shift
	precache := complex(0, 2*math.Pi*freq_shift/samp_rate)
	new_ray = make([]complex128, len(ray))
	for idx, val := range ray {
		new_ray[idx] = val * cmplx.Exp(precache*complex(float64(idx), 0))

Python (+Numba)

def apply_shift(ray: np.ndarray, freq_shift: np.float64, samp_rate: np.float64) -> np.ndarray:
    '''apply frequency shift'''
    precache = 2j * np.pi * freq_shift / samp_rate
    new_ray = np.empty_like(ray)
    for idx, val in enumerate(ray):
        new_ray[idx] = val * np.exp(precache * idx)
    return new_ray


  1. S. Stein, Algorithms for ambiguity function processing, IEEE Trans. Acoust., Speech, and Signal Processing, vol. ASSP-29, pp. 588 - 599, June 1981.
  2. Computing the Cross Ambiguity Function