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8. Outlook

Milan Ender edited this page Aug 22, 2016 · 3 revisions

With the base of the framework finished, a lot of different directions are now available to pursue. Gathering all of those possibilities from here on is a task for itself but there are some things already conceptually worked out and waiting for implementation. In the original design document some of them are described and could be of future interest. Namely, methods for road generation and land usage are discussed and a more intricate look at commerce is given. So taking a look at the points 5.-7. in the document hopefully gives some inspiration.
Also the little list of ideas therein might be of interest:

  • Technology progression: Affecting production rates and introduction of new goods/buildings.

  • War and Crime: Nobility: Dynamic politics which can lead to war, embargoes and revolutions. Outlaw faction: Attacking and plundering traders, villages and cities. The player could have the possibility to go rogue.

  • Minions / Workers: Pay workers and build them shelters and production units to profit from them in the market. A module concerning this topic is already under development on

  • Governance: Become a city lord and play the game more like a manager simulation.

  • Natural events: Droughts, earthquakes, etc. which will effect productivity and growthrates.

On the technical side there is naturally always something to improve on. Especially the tree removal system is in dire need for optimization.
However, there is also a set of possibly important additions for modding support:

  • Manual spawn rates for buildings
  • Selection of available zones for each culture
  • Buildings that have more than one zone
  • Event-based district assignment control
  • Whitelisting districts for cultures

Another interesting idea would be to try out wandering city centers: Calculate the “center of mass” for the city and relocate the city center to that point. That way, cities could potentially grow in more natural ways.