This repository is for use within Portainer's App Template section, for creating a template with the 'Compose Stack' Option. If you are planning on using this for production, please fork it to a private repository so you can use a different username/password than the default: nextcloud. This does not include encyption!
By running these docker-compose files, you will get an instance of NextCloud, Apache, and a MariaDB server. All of these instances are pulled from their official repos within Docker Hub.
Since Portainer doesn't come with an App Template for NextCloud, you can use these docker compose files in order to build the stack in seconds.
- On your Portainer dashboard, select the App Templates option on the last hand side.
- Once inside of the App Templates section, find the option 'Add Template'
- After the title and the description, choose the template type as 'Compose stack'
- Name would be NextCloud, and Logo for NextCloud can be:
- Change the Platform to Linux
- Select Storage as the category
- The Github Repo will be:
- The Compose File Path will be: docker-compose.yml
- Create the template, search for it in your App Template Index, select the new NextCloud Template, then within it you will have the option to Deploy the Stack.