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Accessing service resources

phw edited this page Oct 12, 2012 · 21 revisions

Service endpoints

You can access all the resource below via the base URL


Returns a collection of projects of the authorized user.

Returns a single project with the given ID.

Creates a new project and returns the result.

Updates an existing project with the given ID or changes its state.

Deletes an existing project with the given ID.

Returns a collection of line items for a project.


Returns a collection of jobs for a project.

Returns a specific job.

Creates a new job for a project and returns the result.

Updates a specific job.

Deletes a specific job.

Uploads the translation document for a job.

Downloads the translation document for a job.

Downloads the translated document for a job.


Returns a collection of all available topics.

Returns a specific topics.


Returns a collection of all source languages supported by TEXTKING.

Returns a collection of all target languages supported by TEXTKING.

Returns a single language with the given language code.


Returns the list of billing addresses of the current customer.

Returns a specific billing addresses of the current customer.

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