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Philipp Wolfer edited this page Nov 11, 2013 · 5 revisions

POST /project/{projectId}/job/{jobId}/document/{documentName}

Request: POST /project/{projectId}/job/{jobId}/document/{documentName}

Uploads a new source document for translation to a job. Each job can have exactly one document. If the job already had a source document it will be overwritten by this request. The content type of the uploaded document should be specified with the Content-Type header, the document itself is directly posted in the request body.

TEXTKING supports a variety of different document formats. Currently this includes docx, doc, xlsx, xls, pptx, idml, rtf, odt, html, txt and xml.

Request headers

Header Description
Authorization oAuth 2 authentication header
Content-Type The content type of the posted data. Can be any content type supported by TEXTKING.

Response status codes

HTTP status Description
201 Created The document was successfully uploaded, the Content-Location header contains the URI of the uploaded document.
400 Bad Request There was a problem processing the input data.
404 Not Found The job or project with the given ID does not exist.
406 Not Acceptable The posted content type is not supported.


Upload a new plain text document named MyFile.txt as source document for the job with the ID d0c30471-7c70-45d4-bcc1-a7773cb352bd:

POST /v1/project/bc141454-5949-401b-9c05-7591ee2f5624/job/d0c30471-7c70-45d4-bcc1-a7773cb352bd/document/MyFile.txt HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: text/plain
Authorization: Bearer youraccesstoken

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HTTP/1.1 201 Created