Bug fix
- Documentation moved to Doc/HTML
- Typo and comments
- asm("NOP") added due to uVision optimization
- STM32F7xx: missing Port K
- STM32F7xx: I2Cmaster_Mcu, register STOP condition corrected
New feature:
New hardware support
- Ethernet_ENC28J60
- Touch controller FT5336
- Graphic-RAM display
- New Controller: STM32746
- New Example: STM32F746-Discovery
Minor changes:
- Documentation updated
- HTML.zip replaces Doc.exe
- STM32_Programmer replaces ST-Link_CLI
- List of examples (main.cpp) refined
- STM32F7xx: LTDC and FMC configuration refined
- SPImaster: new method transceiveByte() and configuration refined