All development for Yocto CVA6 is now done in the OpenHWGroup repo.
This README file contains information on the contents of the meta-cva6 layer.
This layer is compatible with honister.
This layer depends on:
- URI:
- branch: master
- revision: HEAD
- URI:
- branch: master
- revision: HEAD
- URI:
- branch: master
- revision: HEAD
The system requirements for yocto are described here.
First install the repo tool
mkdir ${HOME}/bin
curl > ${HOME}/bin/repo
chmod a+x ${HOME}/bin/repo
mkdir cva6-yocto && cd cva6-yocto
repo init -u -b master -m tools/manifests/openhw-yocto.xml
repo sync
repo start work --all
. ./meta-openhw/
This layer is available for:
- cv[32|64]a6-genesys2: The Digilent FPGA board with the bitstream generated from the cva6 corev-apu.
To generate a console-only image for the cv32a6-genesys2:
MACHINE=cv32a6-genesys2 bitbake core-image-minimal
Image files will be located in build/tmp-glibc/deploy/images/cv32a6-genesys2.
Warning, you need to find the correct device image and fill it in the dd's of= parameter:
gunzip -c build/tmp-glibc/deploy/images/cv32a6-genesys2/core-image-minimal-cv32a6-genesys2.wic.gz | sudo dd of=/dev/sd$ bs=1M iflag=fullblock oflag=direct conv=fsync status=progress
The login is "root", no password is needed.
The core-image-minimal has been tested for the 32 and 64bits version of corev-apu with release 3ddf797.
TFTP boot from u-boot is working.