This project is about building a web application to buy wide variety of fresh fruits and vegetables. It have some cool features like save the data in redux-store and session-storage to reduce the dependency of network requests, toast notification for every action, pop up modal to display extra details and responsive for every screen size.
- Login/Signup User Account
- Searching product with Debouncing feature
- Cart Add/Remove Items
- Pop modal and Toast notification
- Cart Update Quantities
- Payment page which calculates the products prices dynamically.
- Address Management
- Order Summary
- Coupons are provided for the discount
- Order details of all ordered item
Ramesh [LinkedIn Profile]
Shriram [LinkedIn Profile]
Sarbjot Singh [LinkedIn Profile]
shubham barore [LinkedIn Profile]
Pratik Mate [LinkedIn Profile]
Thanigaivel Ambalavanan [LinkedIn Profile]
This is the main landing page of our website. Here clicking on any option on the Navbar and Images will redirect the user to the respective Product Page.
This page is functional and responsive.
If the user clicks on the SignUp/login page it shows the pages of that section and also Searching of product with debouncing feature.
On this page, you can register a user. If the user is already registered, you can simply sign in by providing valid details of the user.
Here users can browse and add items to the cart by clicking on the Add to Cart button.
Here all the products added to the cart will be shown. On this page, you can also remove the items. By clicking on the “CHECKOUT” button you will be redirected to the checkout page.
On this page, users can add their address details and add their payment details.
By providing these details users can place orders by clicking the “PLACE ORDER” button.
After Proceeding users get will get OTP page
If user entered correct OTP it will redirect to payment succefull page or elese it entered wrong it will get error as wrong OTP
After Payment Success you will be redirected to the Home Page.
In case you clicked on cancel on OTP Page it will redirect to this page.
Clone the project
git clone
Go to the project directory
cd Fraazo-Clone
Install dependencies
npm install
Start the localhost server
npm start
Start the local API server
json-server --watch data.json --port 8080