The AOM IoT Bit, is a device that allows students to prototype with IoT, without the overhead of all the logistics that come with setup.
The goal is that students will be able to easily link an AOM IoT Bit to a LittleBits circuit, and get that circuit to send and/or recieve data through a cloud-based system.
**Insert Image Here**
To Use the AOM IoT Bit, all a student needs to do is the following:
Open up a serial connection and ... add their credentials to the arduino_secrets_mine.h file [DO NOT SHARE THIS!]
Push the code to the MKR 1010 Arduino Board.
Plug it in to their LittleBits circuit, and set the onboard switch to the proper setting (Push, Poll, Both)
We have started by using the Arduino MKR 1010 Board, Found Here: **Insert Build Instructions Here**
**Insert Setup Instructions Here**