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Replace sha256.lua with sha1.lua (no need for 5.2 bit32)
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Fixes #6, version bump
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TheAMM committed Dec 18, 2017
1 parent 93b6163 commit aa54d30
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Showing 6 changed files with 337 additions and 246 deletions.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions cat_osc.json
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Expand Up @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
Expand All @@ -15,4 +15,4 @@

"header_prefix" : "--[ ",
"header_suffix" : " ]--"
332 changes: 332 additions & 0 deletions lib/sha1.lua
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,332 @@
-- $Revision: 1.5 $
-- $Date: 2014-09-10 16:54:25 $

-- This module was originally taken from

-- SHA-1 secure hash computation, and HMAC-SHA1 signature computation,
-- in pure Lua (tested on Lua 5.1)
-- License: MIT
-- Usage:
-- local hashAsHex = sha1.hex(message) -- returns a hex string
-- local hashAsData = sha1.bin(message) -- returns raw bytes
-- local hmacAsHex = sha1.hmacHex(key, message) -- hex string
-- local hmacAsData = sha1.hmacBin(key, message) -- raw bytes
-- Pass sha1.hex() a string, and it returns a hash as a 40-character hex string.
-- For example, the call
-- local hash = sha1.hex("iNTERFACEWARE")
-- puts the 40-character string
-- "e76705ffb88a291a0d2f9710a5471936791b4819"
-- into the variable 'hash'
-- Pass sha1.hmacHex() a key and a message, and it returns the signature as a
-- 40-byte hex string.
-- The two "bin" versions do the same, but return the 20-byte string of raw
-- data that the 40-byte hex strings represent.
-- Description
-- Due to the lack of bitwise operations in 5.1, this version uses numbers to
-- represents the 32bit words that we combine with binary operations. The basic
-- operations of byte based "xor", "or", "and" are all cached in a combination
-- table (several 64k large tables are built on startup, which
-- consumes some memory and time). The caching can be switched off through
-- setting the local cfg_caching variable to false.
-- For all binary operations, the 32 bit numbers are split into 8 bit values
-- that are combined and then merged again.
-- Algorithm:

local sha1 = (function()
local sha1 = {}

-- set this to false if you don't want to build several 64k sized tables when
-- loading this file (takes a while but grants a boost of factor 13)
local cfg_caching = false
-- local storing of global functions (minor speedup)
local floor,modf = math.floor,math.modf
local char,format,rep = string.char,string.format,string.rep

-- merge 4 bytes to an 32 bit word
local function bytes_to_w32 (a,b,c,d) return a*0x1000000+b*0x10000+c*0x100+d end
-- split a 32 bit word into four 8 bit numbers
local function w32_to_bytes (i)
return floor(i/0x1000000)%0x100,floor(i/0x10000)%0x100,floor(i/0x100)%0x100,i%0x100

-- shift the bits of a 32 bit word. Don't use negative values for "bits"
local function w32_rot (bits,a)
local b2 = 2^(32-bits)
local a,b = modf(a/b2)
return a+b*b2*(2^(bits))

-- caching function for functions that accept 2 arguments, both of values between
-- 0 and 255. The function to be cached is passed, all values are calculated
-- during loading and a function is returned that returns the cached values (only)
local function cache2arg (fn)
if not cfg_caching then return fn end
local lut = {}
for i=0,0xffff do
local a,b = floor(i/0x100),i%0x100
lut[i] = fn(a,b)
return function (a,b)
return lut[a*0x100+b]

-- splits an 8-bit number into 8 bits, returning all 8 bits as booleans
local function byte_to_bits (b)
local b = function (n)
local b = floor(b/n)
return b%2==1
return b(1),b(2),b(4),b(8),b(16),b(32),b(64),b(128)

-- builds an 8bit number from 8 booleans
local function bits_to_byte (a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h)
local function n(b,x) return b and x or 0 end
return n(a,1)+n(b,2)+n(c,4)+n(d,8)+n(e,16)+n(f,32)+n(g,64)+n(h,128)

-- debug function for visualizing bits in a string
local function bits_to_string (a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h)
local function x(b) return b and "1" or "0" end
return ("%s%s%s%s %s%s%s%s"):format(x(a),x(b),x(c),x(d),x(e),x(f),x(g),x(h))

-- debug function for converting a 8-bit number as bit string
local function byte_to_bit_string (b)
return bits_to_string(byte_to_bits(b))

-- debug function for converting a 32 bit number as bit string
local function w32_to_bit_string(a)
if type(a) == "string" then return a end
local aa,ab,ac,ad = w32_to_bytes(a)
local s = byte_to_bit_string
return ("%s %s %s %s"):format(s(aa):reverse(),s(ab):reverse(),s(ac):reverse(),s(ad):reverse()):reverse()

-- bitwise "and" function for 2 8bit number
local band = cache2arg (function(a,b)
local A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H = byte_to_bits(b)
local a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h = byte_to_bits(a)
return bits_to_byte(
A and a, B and b, C and c, D and d,
E and e, F and f, G and g, H and h)

-- bitwise "or" function for 2 8bit numbers
local bor = cache2arg(function(a,b)
local A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H = byte_to_bits(b)
local a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h = byte_to_bits(a)
return bits_to_byte(
A or a, B or b, C or c, D or d,
E or e, F or f, G or g, H or h)

-- bitwise "xor" function for 2 8bit numbers
local bxor = cache2arg(function(a,b)
local A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H = byte_to_bits(b)
local a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h = byte_to_bits(a)
return bits_to_byte(
A ~= a, B ~= b, C ~= c, D ~= d,
E ~= e, F ~= f, G ~= g, H ~= h)

-- bitwise complement for one 8bit number
local function bnot (x)
return 255-(x % 256)

-- creates a function to combine to 32bit numbers using an 8bit combination function
local function w32_comb(fn)
return function (a,b)
local aa,ab,ac,ad = w32_to_bytes(a)
local ba,bb,bc,bd = w32_to_bytes(b)
return bytes_to_w32(fn(aa,ba),fn(ab,bb),fn(ac,bc),fn(ad,bd))

-- create functions for and, xor and or, all for 2 32bit numbers
local w32_and = w32_comb(band)
local w32_xor = w32_comb(bxor)
local w32_or = w32_comb(bor)

-- xor function that may receive a variable number of arguments
local function w32_xor_n (a,...)
local aa,ab,ac,ad = w32_to_bytes(a)
for i=1,select('#',...) do
local ba,bb,bc,bd = w32_to_bytes(select(i,...))
aa,ab,ac,ad = bxor(aa,ba),bxor(ab,bb),bxor(ac,bc),bxor(ad,bd)
return bytes_to_w32(aa,ab,ac,ad)

-- combining 3 32bit numbers through binary "or" operation
local function w32_or3 (a,b,c)
local aa,ab,ac,ad = w32_to_bytes(a)
local ba,bb,bc,bd = w32_to_bytes(b)
local ca,cb,cc,cd = w32_to_bytes(c)
return bytes_to_w32(
bor(aa,bor(ba,ca)), bor(ab,bor(bb,cb)), bor(ac,bor(bc,cc)), bor(ad,bor(bd,cd))

-- binary complement for 32bit numbers
local function w32_not (a)
return 4294967295-(a % 4294967296)

-- adding 2 32bit numbers, cutting off the remainder on 33th bit
local function w32_add (a,b) return (a+b) % 4294967296 end

-- adding n 32bit numbers, cutting off the remainder (again)
local function w32_add_n (a,...)
for i=1,select('#',...) do
a = (a+select(i,...)) % 4294967296
return a
-- converting the number to a hexadecimal string
local function w32_to_hexstring (w) return format("%08x",w) end

-- calculating the SHA1 for some text
function sha1.hex(msg)
local H0,H1,H2,H3,H4 = 0x67452301,0xEFCDAB89,0x98BADCFE,0x10325476,0xC3D2E1F0
local msg_len_in_bits = #msg * 8

local first_append = char(0x80) -- append a '1' bit plus seven '0' bits

local non_zero_message_bytes = #msg +1 +8 -- the +1 is the appended bit 1, the +8 are for the final appended length
local current_mod = non_zero_message_bytes % 64
local second_append = current_mod>0 and rep(char(0), 64 - current_mod) or ""

-- now to append the length as a 64-bit number.
local B1, R1 = modf(msg_len_in_bits / 0x01000000)
local B2, R2 = modf( 0x01000000 * R1 / 0x00010000)
local B3, R3 = modf( 0x00010000 * R2 / 0x00000100)
local B4 = 0x00000100 * R3

local L64 = char( 0) .. char( 0) .. char( 0) .. char( 0) -- high 32 bits
.. char(B1) .. char(B2) .. char(B3) .. char(B4) -- low 32 bits

msg = msg .. first_append .. second_append .. L64

assert(#msg % 64 == 0)

local chunks = #msg / 64

local W = { }
local start, A, B, C, D, E, f, K, TEMP
local chunk = 0

while chunk < chunks do
-- break chunk up into W[0] through W[15]
start,chunk = chunk * 64 + 1,chunk + 1

for t = 0, 15 do
W[t] = bytes_to_w32(msg:byte(start, start + 3))
start = start + 4

-- build W[16] through W[79]
for t = 16, 79 do
-- For t = 16 to 79 let Wt = S1(Wt-3 XOR Wt-8 XOR Wt-14 XOR Wt-16).
W[t] = w32_rot(1, w32_xor_n(W[t-3], W[t-8], W[t-14], W[t-16]))

A,B,C,D,E = H0,H1,H2,H3,H4

for t = 0, 79 do
if t <= 19 then
-- (B AND C) OR ((NOT B) AND D)
f = w32_or(w32_and(B, C), w32_and(w32_not(B), D))
K = 0x5A827999
elseif t <= 39 then
f = w32_xor_n(B, C, D)
K = 0x6ED9EBA1
elseif t <= 59 then
f = w32_or3(w32_and(B, C), w32_and(B, D), w32_and(C, D))
K = 0x8F1BBCDC
f = w32_xor_n(B, C, D)
K = 0xCA62C1D6

-- TEMP = S5(A) + ft(B,C,D) + E + Wt + Kt;
A,B,C,D,E = w32_add_n(w32_rot(5, A), f, E, W[t], K),
A, w32_rot(30, B), C, D
-- Let H0 = H0 + A, H1 = H1 + B, H2 = H2 + C, H3 = H3 + D, H4 = H4 + E.
H0,H1,H2,H3,H4 = w32_add(H0, A),w32_add(H1, B),w32_add(H2, C),w32_add(H3, D),w32_add(H4, E)
local f = w32_to_hexstring
return f(H0) .. f(H1) .. f(H2) .. f(H3) .. f(H4)

local function hex_to_binary(hex)
return hex:gsub('..', function(hexval)
return string.char(tonumber(hexval, 16))

function sha1.bin(msg)
return hex_to_binary(sha1.hex(msg))

local xor_with_0x5c = {}
local xor_with_0x36 = {}
-- building the lookuptables ahead of time (instead of littering the source code
-- with precalculated values)
for i=0,0xff do
xor_with_0x5c[char(i)] = char(bxor(i,0x5c))
xor_with_0x36[char(i)] = char(bxor(i,0x36))

local blocksize = 64 -- 512 bits

function sha1.hmacHex(key, text)
assert(type(key) == 'string', "key passed to hmacHex should be a string")
assert(type(text) == 'string', "text passed to hmacHex should be a string")

if #key > blocksize then
key = sha1.bin(key)

local key_xord_with_0x36 = key:gsub('.', xor_with_0x36) .. string.rep(string.char(0x36), blocksize - #key)
local key_xord_with_0x5c = key:gsub('.', xor_with_0x5c) .. string.rep(string.char(0x5c), blocksize - #key)

return sha1.hex(key_xord_with_0x5c .. sha1.bin(key_xord_with_0x36 .. text))

function sha1.hmacBin(key, text)
return hex_to_binary(sha1.hmacHex(key, text))

return sha1


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