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File metadata and controls

365 lines (221 loc) · 11 KB


GuiControl extensions for AHK v2 controls


just me

See comments in GuiCtlExt.ahk for details.


This script modifies the built-in Gui and several GuiControl objects. Using this script in combination with other scripts that do the same is not recommended. If methods / properties are unintentionally overwritten, there will be no error message or notification of any kind.


gui_obj.SetIcon(FileName := "Shell32.dll", Icon:=1)

Sets the icon for the dialog.

GuiControl - applies to all controls


Destroys the control. However, this does not mean you can recreate the control with the same vName. In most cases this will be the same as simply permanently hiding the control without the possibility to bring it back. So this is not a "true" destruction, and memory is not spared. Depending on how often you use this, it could constitute a memory leak.


Gets/Sets an integer that represents the ExStyle for the control.


Gets/Sets an integer that represents the Style for the control.



Enables or disables Auto-Complete.


Sets/Gets the cue text option. Cue text, when set, is always displayed when the control is blank and not in focus. The options below define this behavior further.

Option Effect
0 Cue text not displayed when the control has focus. (Default)
1 Cue text displayed even when the control has focus.

Note that setting the cue option performs no action. This value is only used when setting cue text with ctl.CueText.

Furthermore, when using ctl.SetCueText() this value is ignored, and only the specified Option value is used.


Sets/Gets the cue text for the edit control. Also see ctl.SetCueText() below.


Only gets the dropped state. You can set or toggle the dropped state with ctl.Show().


Returns the one-based index of the first item that matches txt in the list, starting from the beginning of the string.


Returns the one-based index of the item that is an exact match to txt in the list.


Returns number of items in the list.


Returns an array of all the items in the list.


Gets the text of the specified row in the list.


Inserts an item at the specified row. All items starting from the orignal row, are moved down.


When row >= 1 this method returns the pixel height of that row item. If you not using an owner-drawn ComboBox, then all items in your list are likely the same height. If row := 0, then the height of the edit box is returned, without the borders.


Returns the number of characters in the string of the specified row in the list.


Sets/Changes the number of items to be shown in the list, effectively changing the height of the drop down list.


Gets the end pos of the current selection. This property may act as the "cursor position" when there is no selection.


Gets the start pos of the current selection. This property may act as the "cursor position" when there is no selection.


Gets the selected text.

ctl.SetSel(start := 0, end := 0)

Sets the cursor position or selection, depending on usage.

Note that both start and end are zero based.

Value(s) Result
0,0 or *blank* Sets cursor to beginning of text.
-1 Cursor goes to end of selection, and selection is removed.
0, -1 Select all text.
start, end Sets selection according to given values.

If you enter the same number for both parameters, then the cursor is moved to that point in the text, and there is no selection.

ctl.SetCueText(txt := "", Option := false)

Sets cue text and option.

See ctl.CueOption above for a description of what the Option does.

To clear the cue text, use ctl.SetCueText().

ctl.Show(show := true)

Shows or hides the drop down menu.


Sets/Gets the index of the top visible item.


ctl.Append(text, top := false)

Appends text to the bottom of the edit control, unless top := true, then text is prepended.


Sets/Gets the cue text option. Cue text, when set, is always displayed when the control is blank and not in focus. The options below define this behavior further.

Option Effect
0 Cue text not displayed when the control has focus. (Default)
1 Cue text displayed even when the control has focus.

Note that setting the cue option performs no action. This value is only used when setting cue text with ctl.CueText.

Furthermore, when using ctl.SetCueText() this value is ignored, and only the specified Option value is used.


Sets/Gets the cue text for the edit control. Also see ctl.SetCueText() below.


Returns the number of characters in the control. Don't confuse this for the number of bytes the text occupies in memory.


Puts the cursor at the end of text.

This is the same as ctl.SetSel(this.Length, this.Length)


Put the cursor at the beginning of text.

This is the same as ctl.SetSel() or ctl.SetSel(0, 0)


Puts the cursor at the end of the selection and removes the selection.

This is the same as ctl.SetSel(ctl.SelEnd, ctl.SelEnd)


Puts the cursor at the beginning of the selection and removes the selection.

This is the same as ctl.SetSel(ctl.SelStart, ctl.SelStart)


Returns the number of characters in the EditBox.

ctl.ReplaceSel(txt := "", undo := true)

Replaces selection with specified text.

By default undo is TRUE, thus allowing the action to be undone. Set undo := false to prevent the action from being undone.


Gets the end pos of the current selection. This property may act as the "cursor position" when there is no selection.


Gets the start pos of the current selection. This property may act as the "cursor position" when there is no selection.


Gets the selected text.

ctl.SetCueText(txt := "", Option := false)

Sets cue text and option.

See ctl.CueOption above for a description of what the Option does.

To clear the cue text, use ctl.SetCueText().

ctl.SetSel(start := 0, end := 0)

Sets the cursor position or selection, depending on usage.

Note that both start and end are zero based.

Value(s) Result
0, 0 or *blank* Sets cursor to beginning of text.
-1 Cursor goes to end of selection, and selection is removed.
0, -1 Select all text.
start, end Sets selection according to given values.

If you enter 2 of the same number for both parameters, then the cursor is moved to that point in the text, and there is no selection.



Returns number of items in Listbox or ComboBox drop window.


Gets the text of the specified row.


Gets a linear array of all the items in the ListBox or ComboBox drop window.


Inserts an item at the specified row. All items starting from the orignal row, are moved down.


Returns the number of characters in the string of the specified row/index in the list.

ctl.SelAll(sel := true)

Selects all items. If sel := false all items are deselected.

ctl.SelRange(start, end, sel := true)

Selects the specified range of items. If sel := false then the specified range is deselected.


Sets/Gets the index of the top visible item.



Returns true if checked, false if not, for specified row.


Returns the icon index for the row. Note that the default index for all rows, even without an icon is 1.


Returns the width of the specified column.

Picture Button

Gui.AddPicButton(sOptions := "", sPicFile := "", sPicFileOpt := "", Text := "")

sOptions are the normal options you would specify for any Gui control when invoking Gui.Add().

The sPicFile and sPicFileOpt parameters are the same as the first 2 parameters of LoadPicture(). For more info, see ctl.SetImg() below, or the AHK help files for LoadPicture().

Text is optional.

ctl.SetImg(sFile, sOptions := "")

Sets or changes the image for a button. Specify no text if you want an image button only. Otherwise you will get the image and text.

sOptions is the same as LoadPicture().

Example: Icon5 w32 h-1

NOTE: Specify *w32 *h-1 to use filtering when scaling an image.

The type of image loaded is always auto-detected.

If you change a Button Pic image, then the previous image handle is automatically destroyed.

This method does not return a value.


Returns "PicButton".


Gui.AddSplitButton(sOptions := "", sText := "", callback := "")

sOptions are the normal options you would specify for any Gui control when invoking Gui.Add().

Callback format:

callback(ctl, coords) {
    msgbox "`r`n" coords.x " / " coords.y

The coords parameter is an {object} with properties X and Y. The X/Y is the client coords needed to properly position a menu for the split button.

ctl.SetImg(sFile, sOptions:="")

Same as PicButton above.


Returns "SplitButton".



Returns the number of tabs.


Returns the index of the icon for the specified tab, or 0 if no icon.


Returns an array of tab names.

ctl.GetName(tab_num, bSize:=128)

Returns the name/text for the specified tab.

Note that by default only the first 128 characters of the tab name will be returned. If you need more characters than that, you can use the 2nd parameter.

Don't forget to properly calculate your string size with a NULL terminator.

ctl.Insert(pos, name:="", icon:="")

Inserts a tab at specified position. Name/Text and Icon are optional. The tab originally in pos is moved to the right, along with all other tabs to the rigth of pos.


Returns the current number of tab rows.


Sets or removes the icon for the specified tab. Specify 0 for the 2nd parameter, or omit it to remove the specified tab icon.


Sets the specified image list created with IL_Create() so that icons can be added to tabs.


Sets or removes the name/text for the specified tab. Specify "" for the 2nd parameter, or omit it to remove the specified tab name/text.


Gui.AddToggleButton(sOptions := "", sText := "")

sOptions are the normal options you would specify for any Gui control when invoking Gui.Add().

sText is the button text, if any. You can also use .SetImg() to make this toggle button a pic button as well.