Keylessly Access GCP Resources from GitHub Self Hosted Runners.
In this tutorial we access resources in Google Cloud from GitHub Workflows without using Service Account Keys.
This can be achieved thanks to a new feature of GitHub:
- The GitHub actions OIDC - Read more here. This feature exposes an IDToken in the workflow's variables and in combination with Workload Identity Federation we can exchange GitHub Identities for a GCP Access Token.
- This GitHub Action authenticates to Google Cloud
Go to terraform_wlif and run terraform init, terraform plan, terraform apply
Go to terraform_sa and run terraform init, terraform plan, terraform apply
Enable following GCP APIs
Secret Manager -
Service Account Credentials -
Set the following repository secrets in github. Go to settings->Secrets and Variables->New Repository Secrets
GCP_POOL_AUDIENCE = google-wlif
GCP_PROJECT_ID = <Output from terraform run in step1>
GCP_SA_NAME = <Output from terraform run in step2>
GCP_WORKLOAD_IDENTITY_PROVIDER = projects/<Output from terraform run in step1>/locations/global/workloadIdentityPools/gh-pool/providers/gh-provider
Create a secret in GCP console or using a terraform module(not provided) with name "my-secret" in appropriate region(s).
Grant the Google Cloud Service Account permissions to access Google Cloud resources. This step varies by use case. For demonstration purposes, you could grant access to a Google Secret Manager secret or Google Cloud Storage object.
mkdir actions-runner && cd actions-runner
curl -o actions-runner-linux-x64-2.300.2.tar.gz -L
echo "ed5bf2799c1ef7b2dd607df66e6b676dff8c44fb359c6fedc9ebf7db53339f0c actions-runner-linux-x64-2.300.2.tar.gz" | shasum -a 256 -c
tar xzf ./actions-runner-linux-x64-2.300.2.tar.gz
./ --url --token Axxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Also see Setting up Workload Identity Federation
For learning - There is this simple tutorial from scratch which /authenticate-to-google-cloud does for us.