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Othermill CNC

Full TinyG G-Code specifications

This table summarizes Gcode supported. axes means one or more of X,Y,Z,A,B,C.

Gcode Parameters Command Description
G0 axes Straight traverse Traverse at maximum velocity. At least one axis must be present
G1 axes, F Straight feed Feed at feed rate F. At least one axis must be present
G2 axes, F, I,J,K or R Clockwise arc feed Arc at feed rate F. Offset mode IJK or radius mode R
G3 axes, F, I,J,K or R Counter clockwise arc feed Arc at feed rate F. Offset mode IJK or radius mode R
G4 P Dwell Pause for P seconds
G10 L2 axes, P Set offset parameters P selects coordinate system 1-6
G17 Select XY plane G17, G18 and G19 set the plan in which the G2/G3 arcs are drawn
G18 Select XZ plane
G19 Select YZ plane
G20 Select inches units mode All Gcode from this point on will be interpreted in inches
G21 Select mm units mode All Gcode from this point on will be interpreted in millimeters
G28 axes Go to G28.1 position Optional axes specify an intermediate point
G28.1 Set position for G28 The current machine position is recorded (No parameters are provided)
G28.2 axes Homing Sequence Homes all axes present in command. At least one axis must be specified
G28.3 axes Set Absolute Position Set axis to zero or other value. Use to zero axes that cannot otherwise be homed
G30 axes Go to G30.1 position Optional axes specify an intermediate point
G30.1 Set position for G30 The current machine position is recorded (No parameters are provided)
G53 Select absolute coordinates Non-Modal: Applies only to current block
G54 Select coord system 1 G54 is typically used as the "normal" coordinate system and reflects the machine position
G55 Select coord system 2
G56 Select coord system 3
G57 Select coord system 4
G58 Select coord system 5
G59 Select coord system 6
G61 Exact path mode Continuous motion between Gcode blocks - exact path will be traced - stops only if it must
G61.1 Exact stop mode Motion will stop between each Gcode block
G64 Continuous path mode Sacrifice path following accuracy in order to keep the feed rate up
G80 Cancel motion mode
G90 Set absolute mode
G91 Set incremental mode
G92 axes Set origin offsets
G92.1 Reset origin offsets
G92.2 Suspend origin offsets
G92.3 Resume origin offsets
G93 Set inverse feedrate mode
G94 Cancel inverse feedrate mode
Mcode Parameter Command Description
M0 Program stop
M1 Program stop Optional program stop switch is not implemented so M1 is equivalent to M0
M2 Program end
M30 Program end
M60 Program stop
M3 S Spindle on - CW S is speed in RPM
M4 S Spindle on - CCW S is speed in RPM
M5 Spindle off
M6 Change tool No operation at this time
M7 Mist coolant on Note that mist and flood share the same Coolant ON/OFF pin
M8 Flood coolant on Note that mist and flood share the same Coolant ON/OFF pin
M9 All coolant off Note that mist and flood share the same Coolant ON/OFF pin
Other Parameter Command Description
N line number label gcode block Line numbers are allowed, handled, and may be reported back in status reports. Don't underestimate how useful this is for debugging Gcode files.
() comment gcode comment Gcode comments are supported. They are stripped and ignored, except for messages (below)
; comment alternate comment A semicolon is an alternate way to delimit a comment. This is not Gcode "standard", but is used by Mach and some Reprap codes. (available as of build 378.05)
(msg....) message gcode message Gcode messages are comments that begin with the characters msg (case insensitive). These will be echoed to the operator

G-Code Not supported by the Othermill

Commands the milling machine does not support

The following commands are either not supported by TinyG, or supported by TinyG but not supported by th emilling machine or software. Files that contain unsupported commands may be unable to load, or lines containing unsupported commands may be skipped. If you find that you can’t import your file, or odd things happen like the spindle doesn’t turn on, check your file to see if it contains the following commands.

Command Name Description G81-G85 Canned cycles A “canned cycle” is a way of performing repetitive machining functions like making holes or slots. A common one is G85, which is the “mill slot” command. It’s often used in g-code generated by PCB design software. TinyG (and thus the milling machine) doesn’t support this command, so files that contain it can’t be loaded. A workaround is to make a row of overlapping holes instead of a slot. G54, G56, G57, G58, G59 Alternate coordinate systems Coordinate systems other than G55 are not supported by the software, so make sure you use G55. In some cases, if your software uses a different coordinate system, manually editing the g-code file and changing the command (i.e. from G54 to G55) will make your file work properly. G18 Select XZ plane An uncommon command, but occasionally used by CAM software. There is a TinyG firmware bug that causes XZ arcs to be be interpreted incorrectly. We are working to fix this issue in future firmware versions. G93 Set inverse feedrate mode There is a TinyG firmware bug that either cancels the command as soon as you enter any other command, or causes older TinyGs to crash. E Fixturing offset Some CAM software will try to use the E command to set a fixturing offset, but this causes the software to ignore the entire line containing the E command. G40-G51 Tool compensation Some CNC machines use commands for specifying tool compensation, but TinyG does not recognize those commands. M4 Spindle on - CCW Not supported by milling machine spindle - it only turns clockwise M7 Mist coolant on The milling machine is not equipped with coolant M8 Flood coolant on The milling machine is not equipped with coolant M9 All coolant off The milling machine is not equipped with coolant