Calculation of Biomolecular Dimensions
# Single File In a Directory for Specific residues (residues are optional, if not provided it will work for whole the structure)
python /path/to/ -b /path/to/base/directory -s xyz.pdb -res ALA ASN TRP
# Using File Name pattern(s) or using multiple files, both will work
python /path/to/ -b /path/to/base/directory -s *.pdb *xyz.pdb m*.pdb -res ALA ASN TRP
# Giving Spacing
python /path/to/ -b /path/to/base/directory -s *.pdb *xyz.pdb m*.pdb -res HETATM -spc 10
python /path/to/ -h python /path/to/ --help
python /path/to/ [OTHER OPTIONS] --exhaustiveness 15 --cpu 2
- Calculates grid size of a given PDB
- Using coordinates
- Adding spacing around the coordinates
- Calculates grid around selected residues
- Fitting the coordinates
- Adding spacing around the coordinates
- Created using Python 3.9.5, not tested with other versions of python
- For any other calculation, feel free to comment