This reddit bot listens to comments and looks for ones that match the pattern
It then saves the link to that comment for later processing. After some waiting period (e.g. 3 months), the bot checks the same comment, and if it has accrued enough upvotes, the bot will crosspost the submission that the comment replied to, to the target subreddit.
This project also shares the code for three additional bots:
Replies to the same type of comments and informs that the sub they linked does not exist.
Replies to comments that link to the same subreddit that comment was posted on.
Replies to comments that link to a subreddit that already has a post with the same content as the source submission.
This bot has two methods for preventing reposts. It first checks whether the source submission link was already posted to the target subreddit, and then it uses to check whether anything similar to that link was already posted to the target subreddit.
As far as I know, RepostSleuth doesn't support videos or any other non-image file format, so this method will fail to detect video reposts.
I am looking for a way to solve this problem. Suggestions are welcome.
Python 3.X PostgreSQL Heroku (for production)
pip install -r requirements.txt
I use Heroku to host/run this app TODO write more about this later
git clone
cd reddit_auto_crosspost_bot
heroku login
heroku ps:scale worker=1
This bot stores its data in a postgres database TODO write more about this later
TODO write more about this later
If you like the bot, you're welcome to donate to help me maintain and improve it ❤