This is a free extension - if it saves you time feel free to buy me a beer :)
Adds a easy to manage, fast mega menu dropdown to Magento.
@license Open Software License (OSL 3.0
For up to date installation & configuration instructions please check out the documentation at
Modman: Yes (However this extension has other Magento Extension dependencies composer is therefore the recommend installation option)
Composer: Yes
GitHub: Public :)
Core Hacks: 0
Class Rewrites: 0
- (Makes MegaMenu shop by attribute use the bubbleshop layered nav url structure in links)
- (Makes MegaMenu shop by attribute use the catalin seo url structure in links)
- (Adds widget to add Wordpress/Fishpig post to MegaMenu by ID)
James Anelay - TheExtensionLab
@JamesAnelay - @TheExtensionLab
(c) TheExtensionLab