This is code that I am writing by following the "Violent Python: A Cookbook for Hackers, Forensic Analysts, Penetration Testers and Security Engineers" book. The code is not an exact copy because most of the code in the book is very un-pythonic, but they perform roughly the same tasks.
Using some of these tools on machines that you do not own or have authorization to interact with is illegal and could land you in jail.
Use something like virtualbox to setup a windows or linux box to run these on, avoiding any possible problems.
Install the required packages:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Individual usage can be found by typing "./ --help"
Python replacement for the command line too l because it is broken on osx. Takes an ip list or a subnet and a list of ports and pings each host to see if it is alive.
Scan hosts for anonymous logins or brute force the password for a user.
Script to attack hosts running smb with either a brute force attack or the conflicker attack
Scan the ports on the provided hosts
Simple script to control multiple ssh hosts at once provided you have the user names and passwords, which you can get from:
Brute forces a host's ssh server with a provided worldlist
Find hidden paths on a http sever based upon a word list and a search pattern
Find if a site has a hidden admin panel
./\{\} wordlist/general/admin-panels.txt
Check if two machines are alive
./ list
Find all of the alive machines on your network
./ subnet
Find all of the machines on your network and see if they have ssh open
./ subnet | ./ 22
Find all the machines on the network, see if they have smb on them, and try to use the conflicker attack:
./ subnet | ./ 1337
All code here is under the MIT license.