is an Italian tax code (codice fiscale) generator and validator on steroids written in Swift
It offers anything from simple regex validator, to complex analysis using the user's information, taking into account the omocodia
The library is fully tested and documented.
Swift | Spritz | iOS |
5.1+ | 1.0.x | 10+ |
5.3+ | 2.0.x | 10+ |
Open your Package.swift
file and add the following as your dependency.
dependencies: [
.package(url: "https://github.com/TheInkedEngineer/Spritz", from: "2.0.0")
Then add the following to your target's dependency:
targets: [
name: "MyTarget",
dependencies: [
.product(name: "https://github.com/TheInkedEngineer/Spritz", package: "Spritz")
- Open your app in Xcode
- In the Project Navigator, click on the project
- in the Project panel, click on the project
- Go to the Package Dependencies tab
- Click on the
button - Insert the
url in the search bar and press Enter - Click on the
Add Package
button - Follow the Xcode's dialog to install the SDK
is fully documented. Checkout the documentation here.
let data = Spritz.Models.CodiceFiscaleData(
firstName: "First",
lastName: "last",
dateOfBirth: Spritz.Models.Date(day: 2, month: .april, year: 1987)!,
sex: .female,
placeOfBirth: .foreign(countryName: "francia")
let codice = try? Spritz.generateCF(from: data)
let result = Spritz.isValid("LSTFST89B44B354F")
let data = Spritz.Models.CodiceFiscaleData(
firstName: "First",
lastName: "last",
dateOfBirth: Spritz.Models.Date(day: 2, month: .april, year: 1987)!,
sex: .female,
placeOfBirth: .foreign(countryName: "francia")
let result = Spritz.isCorrect(fiscalCode: "LSTFST89B44B354F", for: data)
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