A zero-overhead container wrapper for seamless switching between integer and bit representations.
Ever wished you could have the convenience and compact storage of std::vector<bool>
without all the issues and performance sacrifices?
Then this is a library for you!
The actual data is stored in an unsigned integral container, such as std::vector<unsigned int>
Bitwise operations are performed as usual on the original container.
These operate on many bits in parallel and are optimized by the compiler.
provides a simple API for bit-specific operations and can be created with zero overhead whenever needed.
#include <bit_lens.h>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
int main() {
// create a bit container based on any another random-access container
bit_lens::BitContainer<std::vector<unsigned>> bits;
// or create a lens into an existing container
// bit_lens::BitLens bits(container);
// resize the container to store at least 10 bits
// the actual number of bits that the container can store
// access individual bits using standard operators
bits[8] = 1;
// iterate over all bits using bit references
for (auto bit: bits) { bit = 1; }
// <algorithm> compatible iterators
std::count(bits.begin(), bits.end(), true);
// access the underlying data container
// if possible, use bitwise operators on values as it's much more performant (see benchmark)
for (auto &v: bits.data()) { v &= 0b1101; }
BitLens is a single header library that can be easily added via CPM.cmake.
NAME BitLens
Alternatively, use git submodules, install globally, or simply download and copy the header into your project.
To illustrate the performance difference between vector<bool>
and other container types, this repository contains a benchmark suite than can be run through the following commands.
cmake -Hbenchmark -Bbuild/bench -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
cmake --build build/bench -j8
As an example, on a 2018 mac notebook, the benchmark produced the following output.
Benchmark Time CPU Iterations
bitwiseRandomAccessVectorBool 1080454 ns 1079235 ns 629
bitwiseRandomAccessVectorChar 852203 ns 851398 ns 797
bitwiseRandomAccessVectorInt 820476 ns 819897 ns 806
bitwiseDifferenceVectorBool 426308 ns 425972 ns 1331
bitwiseDifferenceVectorChar 159575 ns 159465 ns 4143
bitwiseDifferenceVectorInt 171368 ns 171338 ns 3874
valuewiseDifferenceVectorChar 8185 ns 8180 ns 80039
valuewiseDifferenceVectorInt 433 ns 433 ns 1560264
valuewiseDifferenceVectorSizeT 422 ns 422 ns 1636872
We can see that for integer containers, even bitwise random access operations are noticeably faster than vector<bool>
Bitwise iteration using a BitLens
has more than twice the speed, while doing bitwise operations on values (e.g. working on BitLens::data()
) outperforms vector<bool>
by many orders of magnitude.
This is because bitwise operators allow manipulating up to 64 bits at once (depending on the value type) and get an extra performance boost through vectorization.
Using BitLens we can choose the appropriate representation (value / bits) anytime, allowing us to achieve optimal storage and performance requirements.