To see an overview of repositories, stack and architecture, or other supporting documentation, see:
For help and support see our community discussions forum
Note: This is the public organisation profile for Legacy.
To see an overview of repositories, stack and architecture, or other supporting documentation, see:
For help and support see our community discussions forum
Note: This is the public organisation profile for Legacy.
Forked from CrazyNFT/imx-contracts
Smart contracts and smart contract utilities for use with Immutable X.
Forked from immutable/imx-examples
Open source ImmutableX Examples
Forked from filecoin-project/ref-fvm
Reference implementation of the Filecoin Virtual Machine
Default repository for FVM test projects, such as the Impact Evaluator for Filecoin
Moderation contract experiment on the FEVM for the Spacewarp hackathon - bootstrapped from the fevm-hardhat-kit
A hardhat project for developing, deploying, and testing Solidity smart contracts on the FEVM (Ethereum Virtual Machine on Filecoin)
Default repository for FVM test projects, such as the Impact Evaluator for Filecoin
Smart contracts and smart contract utilities for use with Immutable X.
Reference implementation of the Filecoin Virtual Machine
This organization has no public members. You must be a member to see who’s a part of this organization.