Project developed by: Mikhailov Alexander
Application structure::
- .github/workflows - directory that contains the configuration files for GitHub Actions
- data - JSON files with posts, comments and bookmarks data
- logs - log file
- static - CSS and image files
- templates - HTML templates for API
- test - test classes for API
- .dockerignore - files and folders to ignore in Docker
- .gitignore - files and folders to ignore in Git version control
- app - main Flask application file with views
- config - application constants
- - creating a SQLAlchemy database
- docker-compose.yaml - configuration file for Docker Compose (local)
- docker-compose-ci.yaml - configuration file for Docker Compose (CI/CD)
- Dockerfile - container image file
- flask-app.service - service file that manages starting, stopping, and controlling the background execution of the Flask app
- - logger for API
- - file with functions for API
- requirements.txt - application dependencies
The application implements the following features:
- Home page with loading of all posts from JSON file
- Single post page with detailed content and comments to it
- Keyword search page
- Custom posts page with all the posts posted by the user
- Tags page with posts found by tags
- Bookmarks page with user-saved posts downloaded from JSON file
How to start the project:
- Clone the repository
- Install python and another base requirements such as pip and python3-venv
- Create and activate the virtual environment
python3 -m venv venv
and. venv/bin/activate
(for Linux) andvenv\Scripts\activate
(for Windows). - Install the requirements with the
pip install -r requirements.txt
command. - Run the app by the command
- The application is now ready to run