Assault is a custom-programmed Minecraft minigame centered around building, defending, and attacking team’s bases. Join the server at!
The premise of Assault is two opposing teams build defenses around their base, then take turns assaulting each other’s bases. When the game starts, you’ll be assigned to one of two teams. The game takes place over two phases, the Building phase and Attacking phase.
- Borders not throwing players
- Teams not balanced
- Mixed teams when leaving and rejoining:
- Wrong nametag color
- Wrong scoreboard coins
- Forfeit times weird
- Store PlayerMode in GamePlayer
- Temp game map folders not being deleted (
Change game guide location to GitHub wiki
- Save team when leave and rejoin
- Map-specific items
- Procedurally generated terrain map
- Package maps with plugin
- Store maps in subfolder to reduce top-level clutter
- Map selection
- Maps to implement:
- Sky Parkour
- Arcade
- Bee/Dragon Castle
- Trenches
- Blasting Area