Smurf Invaders. Technical Demo as an explorative project of Raylib. Random game based on Space Invaders and alike.
I've stumbled upon Raylib some days ago, and it looked amazing. Easy to use, and very powerful. So, now in lockdown, I started developing this game as a simple demo to explore the capabilities of the library.
This is a work in progress, without any clear definite route whatsoever. However, I'm trying to do most of the progress on streaming, so check out my Twitch channel if you're interested (I'll stream in spanish tho, unless many english-speaking users enter the stream at some point).
- Basic 3D static scenario
- Player model and movement
- Shootable and functional bullets
- Enemy pooling (same system as the bullets, probably)
- Moving enemies (basic)
- HUD (Life + Score)
- Enemy behaviour: shooting
- Damageable player + enemy / player // bullet / player collisions. Also update life
- Enemy speed variability
- Enemy bullets speed variability
- Functional menus
- Pause screen
- "Phase-out" effect on hit
- Dynamic scenario
- Music
- Sound effects
- Scoreboard (display + savefile)