Memory profiler can be enabled and managed at runtime by endpoints to track down memory leaks in the Jobs. After the profiler gets off, the report is saved, and it can be downloaded at one of the Job's endpoints. This is intended to remove the need for the Kubernetes operator to be involved in this process. All steps can be done by a developer of a Job. The Job can be instructed to turn the profile on and off, and to download the reports in various forms.
First, to make the profiler available, you need to set this environment variable:
If you're running it locally, you can call:
However, if you're deploying the job to Racetrack, here's how to set this env var in a manifest:
name: python-job-profiled
This will make the Job to start the memray profiler at its startup, make sure to turn it off afterward. This will also bring up new endpoints to manage it.
If you're running the job in Docker, set the write permissions to the job's main directory by adding this to your Dockerfile:
RUN chmod -R a+rw /src/job/
If you want to turn on the Memory Leaks View in the flamegraph, you can do it by setting this environment flag:
Check out SwaggerUI at the main page of a Job for more details and to call these endpoints in a convenient way. (All endpoints may be prepended with /pub/job/JOB_NAME/JOB_VERSION/
POST /api/v1/profiler/memray/start
- Starts the memray profiler session, if it's not started yet.POST /api/v1/profiler/memray/stop
- Stops the memray profiler session and saves the report internally.GET /api/v1/profiler/memray/report
- Downloads the memray report as a binary file, e.g. at The profiler session should be stopped beforehand to get the full report.GET /api/v1/profiler/memray/flamegraph
- Downloads the Flame Graph report as an HTML file. You can open it directly in a browser, e.g. at /api/v1/profiler/memray/stats
- Get the memray report statistics as a text file. You can open it directly in a browser, e.g. at
Having the report file downloaded, you can make any other analysis on it. See what else you can do with the memray report.
A job sample/memory-leak/ has the memory leak on purpose. Let's track it down with the memory profiler.
Start the job with the profiler enabled:
MEMRAY_PROFILER=true racetrack_job_runner run sample/memory-leak/
Call the perform endpoint couple of times:
curl -X 'POST' \
'' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{}'
Now, stop the profiler session to make the Job save the report file.
curl -X 'POST' ''
You can view the Flame Graph report directly in a browser: and locate the memory leak there.
Or you can download the binary report file from the Job.
curl --output memray-report.bin
and analyze it with various memray reporters:
pip install memray
memray tree memray-report.bin
# or
memray stats memray-report.bin
which contains the output like
🥇 Top 5 largest allocating locations (by size):
- perform:.../sample/memory-leak/ -> 22.888MB
- get_data:<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>:1187 -> 6.830MB
which correctly points us to the culprit at line 7 of ./sample/memory-leak/