A simple app to delete tweets from a twitter account
You need a Twitter dev account: https://developer.twitter.com/en/apps, set up a Twitter developer account, and create an "App". This contains 2 consumer API keys:
- account_key
- account_secrect
API access tokens for your twitter account from https://developer.twitter.com/en/docs/basics/authentication/guides/access-tokens. This contains 2 more API keys:
- access_key
- access_secret
Easy Tweet Deleter contains 2 functions to check and to delete tweets, both require the same 6 parameters. When checking tweets it is possible to list them to a text file with the optional 'text_file' parameter.
- username (str) = the twitter username
- account_key (str) = account_key from Step 1
- account_secret (str) = account_secret from Step 1
- access_key (str) = access_key from Step 2
- access_secret (str) = access_secret from Step 2
- date_older_than (str) = It will identify tweets before this date (use YYYY_MM_DD date format)
Use the function 'check_easy_twitter_deleter' to find and list tweets. It is reccomended that this is run first as when tweets are deleted they cannot be reteived!
import easy_tweet_deleter
username = "Username"
date_older_than = "2020-01-01"
text_file = "filepath"
easy_tweet_deleter.check_easy_twitter_deleter(username, account_key, account_secret, access_key, access_secret, date_older_than, text_file)
Use the function 'run_easy_twitter_deleter' to find and delete tweets
import easy_tweet_deleter
username = "Username"
date_older_than = "2020-01-01"
easy_tweet_deleter.run_easy_twitter_deleter(username, account_key, account_secret, access_key, access_secret, date_older_than)