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Filtering Modes

ThioJoe edited this page Jan 22, 2022 · 13 revisions

Filtering Mode: Determines What to Scan For

Filter Mode Selection

1. Auto-Smart Mode

  • The Recommended Mode: Hand crafted filters designed to catch every category of scammer/spammer I become aware of
  • Designed to have an extremely low false positive rate. Any time I come across even a single false positive, I attempt to make adjustments to avoid that condition.
  • Identifies wide range of scammer types, such as WhatsApp scammers and 'sex bot' scammers
  • Detects impersonators
  • Detects scam links (when new scam domains are found being used in spam comments, I add them to a list file on my 'YT-Spam-Domains-List' repository, so the app can automatically fetch the latest scam domains)
  • Also uses multi-part scoring algorithm to detect many elusive spammer types that don't have unique characteristics

2. Sensitive-Smart Mode

  • Uses the same checks as Auto-Smart Mode, but certain filtering criteria are more sensitive
  • Good for detecting more elusive spammers, but will probably result in more false positives (anywhere from only a few more, to sometimes WAY more)

3. Specific Channel IDs / Links

  • Scan for all comments by a single user, or multiple specific users
  • Takes input as a comma separated list of channel IDs or channel links

4. Within Username

  • Specific Special Characters: Emojis, Unicode Symbols, etc
    • Input any number of special characters (no need to be commas separated)
    • Will scan for ANY of the individual characters entered
    • Will ignore basic characters like letters and numbers, even if entered
  • Strings: Words, Sentences, Phrases, etc
    • Input a comma separated list of any number of strings
    • Can be a single word, a sentence which includes spaces, or combination of them
    • Will search for ANY of the items in the list (each item separated by the commas)
  • Custom Regex Pattern
    • Advanced, but extremely powerful
    • Allows you to enter custom regex expressions to search for practically anything you want
    • Read more about regex on Wikipedia

5. Within Comment Text

  • Same three options as #4

6. Within Username and Comment Text

  • Same three options as #4

7. ASCII Mode (Within Usernames)

  1. Allow Standard + Extended ASCII
  2. Allow Standard ASCII Only
  3. NUKE MODE: Allow ONLY Numbers, Letters, and Spaces