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Release Changelog

ThioJoe edited this page Feb 7, 2022 · 30 revisions

Version Naming Convention ⇨ Release Version = x.y.z

  • x = Major Version: Major Overhaul / Restructure of Project
  • y = Minor Version: New Features / Functionality
  • z = Patch Version: Bug Fixes & Back-End Improvements After Release
  • "-Testing" or "-Beta" = Pre-Release, Work in Progress


MAJOR New Feature: "Investment / Crypto Scam" Thread Detection
	• The program now detects threads where many bots pretend to talk to each other and promote some fake scam person
	• Will flag the parent comment and present a preview to nuke the whole thread at once
	• Will display samples of spam threads at same time as other samples, but separately, like duplicates are
	• Works on both videos and community posts
New Features: 
	• Option to Purge All Comments By A User
		• Now when either holding comments for review or deleting them, you will be asked if you want to also delete all the other comments by the user, and not just their matched comments
		• New related config option: `remove_all_author_comments`
		• Also updates log file accordingly with the extra comments, and adds them to the comment ID list so they can be recovered as usual
	• Improved Removal Mode Selection Menu
		• You now no longer need to type in all caps such as "DELETE", you can just do 'delete' for example
		• New entry option: "None" - The same as previously hitting Enter to do nothing / only log
		• Now if you don't enter a valid selection (delete / hold  / report / exclude / only / none), it will ask you to try again, instead of kicking you back to the main menu
Other Improvements:
	• Program now validates all config settings on startup, so no more surprises in the middle of a run
	• Added auto-updater for Linux
	• When showing scan results summary, program now distinguishes between 'matches' and 'duplicates'
	• In most cases, log file now gives reason for the match, such as "Filter Match", "Duplicate" or "Also By Matched Author"

Other Changes & Fixes:
	• In update menu, if update is available, now shows short link to releases page to easily see what's new
	• Change default log file format from rtf to plaintext
	• Fixed log file path not being recognized with quotes around it
	• Fixed crash when unable to encode certain unicode characters


New Features: 
	• New Scan Mode: Recent Community Posts
		• You can now fetch a limited number of recent community posts for a channel. 
		• The number of posts it fetches will vary (usually from 5-10)  - it depends on how many show on the site before needing to load the rest of the page

Other Improvements:
	• Duplicate comment checking now works on community posts
	• Program can now scan all replies of a thread, whereas before it was limited to 100 replies per thread
	• Several filtering improvements to catch more types of spammers
	• Speed of scanning community posts has been significantly improved
		- Note: It's still much slower than scanning videos

Other Changes:
	• Flagging "subscriber challenge" ( such as '100k subs no videos') channels as spam is now optional in the config as `detect_sub_challenge_spam`, and disabled by default
	• Changed default duplicate comment threshold from 5 to 4
	• Update to main menu layout, now shows new update availability at top right

2.14.0 → 2.14.2:
	• `auto_close` and `skip_deletion` config settings should both now work properly
	• You can now report comments while in 'not your channel mode' with the sensitive smart mode
	• Fixed 'unbound local variable' crash when using `delete_without_reviewing` config setting
	• Fixed crash when scanning videos with no comments
	• (2.14.2): Fixed 'update available' message incorrectly showing 'beta' when release is not beta

2.14.2 → 2.14.3:
	• Excluding multiple times in a row now works more as expected, displays all excluded authors on subsequent exclude commands
	• Entering a blank 'exclude' command no longer crashes, but asks user for input again
	• Fixed bad 'www' link displayed on first run
	• Add handling for users who incorrectly created client secrets json file, or added a redundant file extension
	• Improved displayed messaging to improve clarification in some places


New Features:
	• Multiple Config Files
		• You can now create multiple config files, and select from a list of them when starting the program
		• User can set short description for each config to show in the list
		• Additional configs can be created with the same menu option as when creating the first config
	• Before deleting/reporting, you can now choose to "_only_" process certain authors, and exclude the rest
Other Improvements:
	• Config file updating is now compulsory, with no more need to close program after updating the config file
	• Config backups are now moved to a separate folder in SpamPurge_Resources
	• Now instead of automatically whitelisting excluded authors, it will ask you. With new config option `whitelist_excluded` to avoid the prompt
	• Improved error handling when log file is opened while program tries to write to it. No longer crashes program, but asks user to close it

2.13.0 → 2.13.1:
	• Fixed critical bug preventing more than 50 comments from being deleted


Major New Feature: Duplicate & Similar Comment Detection
	• Detect spammers who leave duplicate comments even if they slightly modify every single one of them
	• Uses Levenshtein Distance algorithm for similarity analysis
	• Three New Config Settings:
		• duplicate_check_modes : Enable/Disable duplicate detection on any filter modes
		• levenshtein_distance : Set the similarity threshold for duplicate comment detection
		• minimum_duplicates : Set the how many duplicate/similar comments someone has to leave before they are flagged
Other Big New Features:
	• Now when removing comments using a list/log file, you can choose to only delete some of them, and the program will save your progress, so you can continue where you left off later
		• Ideal for deleting huge lists of comments
		• Automatically saves progress files and allows you to choose them later
	• Now if an error occurs during scanning, such as hitting the quota limit, the program will skip the rest of the scan and create a log file based on the partial scan (no longer forcing you to exit)
Other Improvements:
	• Now when excluding commenters, you can enter ranges of numbers too (such as 'exclude 1, 3-6, 5, 9-10')
	• Whitelist is now re-loaded immediately after excluding authors, so it applies to other scans in same session
Other Changes:
	• Detection of "link spam" (comments where it is nothing but a youtube link) is now disabled by default but can be enabled in the config via new detect_link_spam option

2.12.0 → 2.12.1:
	• Fixed bug where comments from the channel owner, current user, and whitelist users were not being ignored during duplicate scanning
2.12.1 → 2.12.2:
	• Fixed UnicodeEncodingError that could occur when creating deletion error log file


New Features:
	• New Mode: Remove comments using a list / log file. Now if you created a log file but didn't remove the comments, you can later.

Other Improvements:
	• Now when you exclude an author from removal, their comment IDs will be removed from the list at the top of the log file, making the log file ready to use in the new removal mode
	• Added new 'auto_close' config setting for ending program after finishing scanning
	• Behind the scenes, the script has been split into several files instead of one monolithic file, which should make it easier to maintain
	• Updated filters to improve detection and reduce false positives


Major New Features:
	• New "return to main menu" ability. Now in most places, instead of hitting Enter to to exit, it will instead return you to the main menu
		• Also at any prompt in the program, you can enter 'x' to return to the main menu
	• Now when updating the config file version, the program will attempt to copy the old settings into the new. It will also create a backup of the old file first.

Other Improvements:
	• Now when scanning recent videos, finding a live stream, video with zero comments, or comments disabled no longer blocks continuation. It will simply skip that video and notify you.
	• Reworked and consolidated many variables, so the code should be easier to update going forward

2.10.0 → 2.10.1:
	• Fixed community post searching not working
2.10.1 → 2.10.2:
	• Fix program auto-closing when it's not supposed to (specifically when logging_enabled was not 'Ask' in config)
	• Added new 'auto_close' config setting for ending program after finishing scanning
	• Fixed rare issue where comments with many certain repeating characters would cause extremely slow progress / freezing
	• Updated filters to reduce false positives


Major New Feature:
	•  You can now scan ANY number of recent videos (up to 500, the maximum YouTube's API will return)
New Features:
	•  When logging to json file, adds config setting to also fetch additional data about the matched authors, that might be useful for research / AI purposes.
	•  When logging extra json data, has new config setting to download profile picture thumbnails of all matched authors, as well as video uploader


New Features:
	• Multiple Video Scanning: In the first scanning mode, you can now input an arbitrary list of videos to scan, instead of just a single video
	• Json Logging: New config option to also log results in a json file. Along with another config setting to choose the encoding scheme for the json file
Other Improvements:
	• Improved error handling, should give better instructions for certain errors
	2.8.0 → 2.8.1:
		• Fixed program checking for spam list updates every run instead of once daily
	2.8.1 → 2.8.2:
		• Fixed bug where program would crash when excluding someone with emojis / unicode in their username
		• Program now better alerts user when comments being disabled is a likely cause for an error


New Features:
	• PlainText Logging: New config option for plain text logging, instead of rtf
	• Whilelisting: New whitelist file where you can add channel IDs that will be ignored in scans. Users excluded from removal will automatically be added to the whitelist. The file can be found in the SpamPurge_Resources folder.
Other Changes:
	• The spam_lists folder has been moved into a new folder called SpamPurge_Resources. This resources folder is also where you can find the whitelist file.
Bug Fixes:
	• Fixed rare problem where lines of text or usernames were missing from the console in the comment outputs or samples
	• Fixed bug that was causing a "note" to be printed for every single comment that was being checked for successful deletion
	2.7.0 → 2.7.1:
		• Fixed crash when logging if no config file exists
	2.7.1 → 2.7.2:
		• Fixed crash when user chooses not to create log file
	2.7.2 → 2.7.3:
		• Added ability for program to retrieve beta releases, and differentiate them when notifying user about update. Also added config file setting to only receive stable channel update notifications
	2.7.3 → 2.7.4:
		• Fixed crash on startup when using old version of config file


New Features:
	• Support for multiple spam lists that can be updated from online source, so the program can keep up to date with the latest spammers, and not having to update the whole program.
	• See spam that isn't being caught? Learn more about contributing to the spam lists at the dedicated repository!
	2.6.0 → 2.6.1:
		• Fixed bug where some channel links were incorrectly being accepted as video links
	2.6.1 → 2.6.2:
		• Now in config file, you can set log file output path using both a relative or absolute directory. (Default log directory is now 'logs')
		• Fixed bug where usernames were not being scanned properly, missing many spam comments


New Features:
	• Ability to automatically download latest exe file version
Other Improvements:
	• New spam domain list detection ability, using crowd sourced list of domains used in scam comments (see here:
	• Spam Domain List auto updates itself
	• Improved channel/video link validation
	2.5.0 → 2.5.1:
		• Fixed crash on startup from spam list updating
	2.5.1 → 2.5.2:
		• New config setting allowing you to disable checking for comment deletion success, to save on time and API quota when deleting large amounts of spam.
	2.5.2 → 2.5.3:
		• Fixed crash when "auto_check_update = False" in config file
	2.5.3 → 2.5.4:
		• Revamped method of auto-updating spam lists
		• Added checking for spam list updates when user manually selects 'check for updates'
	2.5.4 → 2.5.5:
		• Added progress percentage when scanning videos, by fetching the total number of comments on videos being scanned


Major New Features
	• *Experimental*: Community Post scanning and filtering! (Very epic) 👏
Other Fixes and Changes
	• Filter updates to catch more scammers
	• 2.4.0 → 2.4.1: Can now input community post links, not just exact post IDs
	• 2.4.1 → 2.4.2: No longer ask for max comments when scanning community post (but allow config setting). Also Fixed version number.


New Features
	• Add config setting for custom log file path
Bug Fixes
	• Critical: Fix incorrect config file being packaged with 2.2.6 release, causing errors
	• Fixed program displaying warning about config being out of date, when there is no config file at all


Major New Features
	• New 'Recent Videos' scanning mode: Scan up to the 5 most recent videos on a channel back to back!
Other New Features
	• Program will now notify you when your config file is not the latest version and may cause errors
	2.2.0 → 2.2.1
		• Fix issue where creating config file could cause crash on some computers with different languages
	2.2.1 → 2.2.2
		• Fixed recovery mode not working
		• Fixed crash when searching special characters via GUI in Windows
		• Fixed crash when printing to log file in AutoASCII Mode 
	2.2.2 → 2.2.3
		• Fixed bug where program would ask you to enter channel link, even if set to 'Mine' in config file
		• Updated exception message to explain error when scanning a live stream
		• Patch:  2.2.3 → 2.2.4
		• Improved false positive matching of channel usernames. Original behavior moved to sensitive mode
	2.2.4 → 2.2.5
		• Added error message when API quota is exceeded, instead of just crashing
		• Also should prevent crashing in some other previously uncaught errors


New Features
	• New 'moderator mode' option in config: Overrides the 'not your channel' mode, and allows those with moderator permissions to use Auto modes to hold spam comments for review on that channel
	• New option to easily choose most recent video when asked to enter video ID to scan


Major New Features:
	• Ability to create config file and run program completely autonomously, including deletion of comments for certain modes
		• Program gives option to create default config file automatically, user can change as many or few settings as they wish
	• Now able to scan both comment text and usernames simultaneously using any of the filtering sub-modes
	• New 'Recovery Mode' option to re-instate previously deleted comments. Requires the log file from when they were deleted, or at least the list of comment IDs.
	• Now able to choose removal type, either 'Hold For Review', 'Delete', or even just report comments for spam. Anyone can now report spam comments on other peoples' channels (using auto smart mode only)
	• Added "match samples" at end of printing comments list to easily spot false positives. Sample prints only 1 comment per author found, each in one line. In log file, also prints each author's channel ID
	• Ability to exclude selected users before deletion or reporting
Other New Features
	• Program now auto checks for updates (can be disabled in config), and also has manual update checking

Other Improvements
	• Auto Smart Mode Improvements:
		• Now searches both comment text and author usernames
		• Adds logic to avoid false-positives from users mentioning spammers when replying to them
		• Now even smarter with additional detection methods
	• Program now completely ignores the current user's own comments
	• MUCH faster displaying results and writing them to log file (bottleneck is now mostly the YouTube API)
	• Program will automatically create an error log file if a deletion fails

Bug Fixes:
	• MacOS Only: The GUI component (searching individual special characters) should work now, but requires manually installing the latest python version.

Beta Update: Beta2 → Beta3
	• New "Sensitive Smart" Mode: Runs mostly the same tests as Auto Smart Mode, but with a much lower threshold to identify a spam comment. Catches more spammers at the cost of more false positives.
	• Improvements to Auto Smart mode, now catches additional types of spammers

Beta Update:  Beta1 → Beta2
	• MASSIVE Upgrades to Auto-Smart Mode: Now also detects sex spam bots with very high accuracy
		• Huge amount of filtering logic added to find the large variety of these types of bots
	• Auto-Smart mode can now detect bots with look-alike usernames
	• Sample list now shows number of comments by each author
	• Better detection of potential false positives from replies
	• Filter now ignores uploader's comments regardless of who is scanning
	• Bug Fix: Fixed program not closing when it's supposed to after checking for updates
	• Bug Fix: Fixed incorrect removal of certain characters from scanning strings


Major New Features:  
	• 5 New Scanning Modes
		• Scan usernames for string or list of strings
		• Scan usernames with any custom regex expression
		• Scan comment text for string or list of strings
		• Scan comment text with any custom regex expression
		• Auto Smart-Mode: Automatically scan usernames for pre-made set of special characters almost exclusively used by scammers


Major New Feature:
	• Colors
	• Multiple new search modes:
		• Scan usernames or comments text for individual characters
		• Auto-search usernames for non-ascii characters. Three levels of filtering sensitivity:
		1. Allow Standard + Extended ASCII 
		2. Allow Standard ASCII Only
		3. NUKE Mode (┘°□°)┘≈ ┴──┴ 	• Allow only letters, numbers, and spaces
Fixes & Improvements:
	• Now shows progress in terms of numbers when deleting comments and checking after deletion
	• Improved video ID URL checking with regex
	• Improved error handling, such as when token does not match client secret
	• New format/layout when printing comments to console and log file to make it easier to read

Patch Version:  1.5.0 → 1.5.1
	• Fixed critical new bug in 1.5.0 that displayed wrong comments when printing/logging results
	• Changed "spammers" to say 'matched' in some places to more accurately reflect results meaning
	• Fixed angry throwing emoji to be command prompt display-able (code page 437 character set)
	• Added dividers in log and when printing comments for easier reading text content
	• Added author channel ID to print/log results to more easily make list of spammer IDs

Other Patches:  
	• 1.5.1 → 1.5.2
		• Added colors
	• 1.5.2 → 1.5.3
		• Fix console clearing command on non-Windows machines


New Features:
	• Scan for multiple spammers simultaneously by pasting in a comma separated list of channel IDs or links
	• Option to ban the spammers when deleting their comments, and log choice to file

Fixes & Improvements:
	• Better handling in certain cases of expired credentials
	• Compiled pyinstaller bootloader myself 	• no more stupid false positives on VirusTotal 🥳
	• New main() function to run primary code
	• Bug fix for deleted / non-existent channels whose comments remain on video
	• If user doesn't want to continue as logged-in user, automatically prompts new login

Patch Versions:
	• 1.4.0 → 1.4.1
	 	• Improved error handling to more easily identify bugs. Addressed issue if token.pickle for wrong user is used.


New Features:
		• Now also supports just pasting a channel link or video link, instead of only Video ID or Channel ID	
		• Now automatically fetches current user's channel ID so it doesn't need to be entered

Fixes & Improvements:
		• Remove many unnecessary packages from requirements.txt
		• Added shebang line for easy execution in linux
		• If trying to scan someone else's video, warns can only delete comments on your own videos
Patch Versions:
		• 1.3.2 → 1.3.3
		 	• Fixed bug that caused crash when logging certain complex characters to log file (such as unicode or Japanese characters)
		• 1.3.1 → 1.3.2
		 	• Fix closing too fast if user doesn't confirm logged-in account


New Features:
    	• Now also allows logging spam comments to text file
Fixes & Improvements:
		• Fixed Oauth2 credential refreshing, no longer requires re-authorizing every hour
		• On invalid inputs, now allows re-try instead of exiting whole program
		• Now displays exact up-to-date stat counts instead of every 100 comments
		• Improved efficiency of printing comments when in single-video mode
		• Better error handling for certain errors
		• Removed unused fields in API requests


Fixes & Improvements:
		• Fixed major bug preventing ability to delete comments
		• Better use of API to bulk delete comments instead of individually, to greatly improve quota usage

New Features:
		• Now scans top level comments, not just replies
		• Now attempts to automatically check if comments were successfully deleted
		• On invalid inputs, now allows re-try instead of exiting whole program
		• Now also allows logging spam comments to text file		


	• Fixed major bug where program would fail if more than 50 spam comments were found
	• Added file version and info to startup messaging