- Clone mcqgen in your local machine
- Download and install Anaconda from https://www.anaconda.com/download
- Type anaconda on windows search and open anaconda command prompt
- Navigate to mcqgen progect (in step 1) from conda prompt and/by follow below commands
- cd /mcqgen
- conda create -p env python=3.8 -y
- pip install -r requirement.txt
- python setup.py install
- Create a file with name '.env' in mcqgen folder
- Add below line in .env file
- OPENAI_API_KEY="Supply your secret token here"
- Open StreamlitAPP.py (notepad++ or VS Code) and configure Response.json file path at line number 11 with appropriate value
- Run mcqgen with below command
- streamlit run StreamlitAPP.py --server.port 8080