Let's say that your are building a library on top of JSON Schemas, for instance a function that builds mocked data from schemas. You might want to benefit from inferred typings thanks to json-schema-to-ts
import type { FromSchema, JSONSchema } from "json-schema-to-ts";
type Mocker = <SCHEMA extends JSONSchema>(schema: SCHEMA) => FromSchema<SCHEMA>;
const getMockedData: Mocker = schema => {
... // logic here
const dogSchema = {
type: "object",
... // schema here
} as const;
const dogMock = getMockedData(dogSchema);
Sadly, for some reasons that I don't fully grasp, TypeScript will raise an type instantiation is excessively deep and possibly infinite
You can still make it work by adding a second generic with the corresponding default:
import { FromSchema, JSONSchema } from "json-schema-to-ts";
type Mocker = <SCHEMA extends JSONSchema, DATA = FromSchema<SCHEMA>>(
schema: SCHEMA,
) => DATA;
const getMockedData: Mocker = schema => {
... // logic here
const dogSchema = {
type: "object",
... // schema here
} as const;
// 🙌 Will work!
const dogMock = getMockedData(dogSchema);