The objective is create a hotsite!
- Create a new database called
- Copy the .env.backup file content and paste on the .env file. Remember to check your database informations like: DB_HOST, DB_USERNAME, DB_PASS and etc.
- Go to the directory in your terminal and run the following commands:
a. Installing the project dependencies:
b. Migrating the table to the database:
$ composer install
c. Starting the project:$ php artisan migrate
$ php artisan serve
- Open the project in the Web:
/ => GET method Render the hotsite page.
/ => POST method: Add a new lead to the database.
/register => GET method: Render the register page.
/register => POST method: Add a new user to the database.
/login => GET method: Render the login page.
/login => POST method: Verify if the user exist and the credentials are correct.
Login credentials:
Email: admin@admin
Password: admin123
/panel => GET method: Check if the user are logged and show all the leads in a table.
- The layout needs to be equals to the .psd file
- The layout needs to be responsive
- The name and email fields needs to be required
- The email field needs to be unique
- Needs to show error message
- All the user informations needs to be stored in the database